Arabic Language Blog

Listening comprehension in Arabic Posted by on Dec 4, 2012

Watch the video and answer the questions that follow. You can use the vocabulary provided to assist you. حث = urged الأمين العام للأمم المتحدة = the UN Secretary General إسراع وتيرة = accelerate بطيئة = slow الرامية ل = aiming to صياغة =formulatin آلية = mechanism الإحتباس الحراري = global warming التغيرات المناخية =…

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Arabic word search game, answer Posted by on Nov 30, 2012

In this post, I present the answer of the word search game presented yesterday!   محكمة قانون محام قضية حكم دستور متهم عدالة قاض تشريع   court law lawyer case ruling constitution defendant justice judge legislation

Places and Buildings in Arabic Posted by on Nov 30, 2012

In this post and as I previously promised, every now and then I will provide you with some lessons that can be beneficial to beginners, intermediate and advanced Arabic learners and lovers! Today, my lesson focuses on a list of different places and buildings in Arabic. All these words are the most common organizations and…

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A new state is being born Posted by on Nov 30, 2012

Today, the UN General Assembly has voted to grant the Palestinians the status of non-member observer state  (دولة مراقب غير عضو). 138 member states voted in favour (لصالح), while 9 voted against (ضد), with 41 nations abstaining (امتنعت). This is a great day for the Palestinian people, as it is a step forward on the way…

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Arabic word search game Posted by on Nov 29, 2012

In this post, I have prepared an Arabic word search game for you. Can you find the 10 words below in the table? If you are not sure about the meaning of any word, look at the bottom of the page for the translation. All the words are related to law.   محكمة قانون محام…

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Dual and masculine plural in idaafa Posted by on Nov 28, 2012

Dual nouns in Arabic end in one of two suffixes (ان or ين), e.g. the dual of صديق is صديقان in the nominative case, and صديقين in the accusative and genitive cases. Masculine plural nouns in Arabic end in one of two suffixes (ون or ين), e.g. the masculine plural of مهندس is مهندسون in…

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Making requests in MSA and ECA Posted by on Nov 24, 2012

To learn a diaglossic language like Arabic, you need to know both the formal variety (Modern Standard Arabic) and a colloquial variety. In Arabic, there are many colloquial dialects that differ geographically! In this post, I will give you some expressions which you can use to make requests in both Standard Arabic and Colloquial Arabic…

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