Arabic Language Blog

Reading Comprehension Answers Posted by on Nov 23, 2012

Money and Happiness        Here are the answers to the Reading Comprehension Exercise about Money and Happiness. To view the questions again, click the following link: تتحدث القطعة عن علاقة المال بالسعادة   1) The passage is about the relationship between money and happiness.   تتحسن الصحة النفسية لأى شخص بمجرد أن يربح القليل…

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Reading Comprehension Exercise Posted by on Nov 23, 2012

Money and Happiness اِقــرأ الـقـطــعــة الـتــالــيـــة ثــم أجـــب عـــن الأســئــلـــــــة Read the and following passage then answer the questions   أثــبــتَ الــبـــاحــثـــون خــطـــأ الــقـــولَ :  بــأن الــســعـــادةَ لا تـــُــشــتــرى بــالــمـــال ؛ فــقـــد وجــــدوا عــلاقـــة قـــويـــة بــيـــن الــربــــح الــمـــادى وبــيـــن شـــُــعـــُـــور الــمــَـرءِ بــالــســـعـــادة والــصـــحـــة الــنــفـــســـيـــة وتــمــكــنـــوا مــن مــُــلاحـــظـــة تــحــســُّــن الــصــحـــة الــنــفـــســيــة لأى شــخــــص بــمــجـــرد أن يــربـــحَ الــقـــلــيــــلَ…

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Lebanon Celebrates its 69th Independence Day Posted by on Nov 22, 2012

Before you begin reading this post, please watch this video to listen to Lebanon’s National Anthem (النَّشيد الوطني). In the video you can see the flag with the symbolic cedar tree, with the anthem’s lyrics in English and Arabic. Every year on November 22, the Republic of Lebanon commemorates its independence anniversary (عيد الإستِقلال) in…

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Universal Children’s Day Posted by on Nov 20, 2012

     It is November 20, 2012. Today, Google celebrated the Universal Children’s Day اليوم العالمى للطفل . It is also known as Children’s Day عيد الطفولة and is recognized in many places around the world to honour children globally. It was established in 1954 to protect children الأطفال from working for long hours in dangerous conditions…

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Take Away My Passport Posted by on Nov 16, 2012

Marcel Khalife (مارسيل خليفة)is an accomplished oud (عود)player, singer, and composer. He was born on June 10, 1950 in Amchit, a coastal village next to Jbeil in Lebanon. He studied the Oud at the Beirut National Conservatory of Music, where he graduated in 1971. Following his graduation and starting in 1972 till around 1975, Khalife…

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Listening comprehension in Arabic – answers Posted by on Nov 15, 2012

In this post, I present the transcription of the news item presented earlier and the answers to the questions. Transcription: أوضحت دراسة نفطية متخصصة أن السعودية تتصدر دول العالم من حيث احتياطي النفط، إذ تستحوذ على ما نسبته 38.7 في المئة من الاحتياطي العالمي، وأضافت أنه بإمكان المملكة أن تستمر في الإمدادات النفطية لمدة ثمانين…

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Listening comprehension in Arabic Posted by on Nov 14, 2012

Listen to the news item below and answer the questions that follow: Use the following words to aid your understanding: نفط  = oil احتياطي النفط = oil reserve العالمي = global تستحوذ  = own الإمدادات  = supplies تستمر = continue مستوى = level إنتاج = production أنجز = achieve استثمار = investment تكلفة = cost…

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