Arabic Language Blog

Universal Children’s Day Posted by on Nov 20, 2012 in Arabic Language, Culture, Vocabulary

     It is November 20, 2012. Today, Google celebrated the Universal Children’s Day اليوم العالمى للطفل . It is also known as Children’s Day عيد الطفولة and is recognized in many places around the world to honour children globally. It was established in 1954 to protect children الأطفال from working for long hours in dangerous conditions ظروف / أحوال and to give children access to education التعليم . The UN General Assembly الجمعية العامة للأمم المتحدة recommended that all nations should choose an appropriate مناسب day to be the universal children’s day and November 20 is a major global variant.

       The date 20 November marks the day on which the Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child  إعلان حقوق الطفل , in 1959, and the Convention on the Rights of the Child  ميثاق حقوق الطفل , in 1989. In 2012, the Secretary-General السكرتير العام launched a new initiative; “Education First التعليم أولاً”. The Initiative aims to raise the political profile of education, strengthen the global movement to achieve quality education.  Achieving gains in education will have an impact on all the Millennium Development Goals, from lower child and maternal mortality, to better health الصحة , higher income الدخل  and more environmentally-friendly societies.

      “We were all children once. And we all share the desire for the well-being of our children, which has always been and will continue to be the most universally cherished aspiration of mankind.”

“لـقــد كــُــنــَّــا جـمـيـعــاً أطــفـــالاً فــى يــَــومٍ مــِــن الأيــَّـــام . و كــُــلـــُّـــنـــَــا نــشــتــــرك فــى الـــرَّغــبــــةِ فــى رفــاهـــيــــةِ أطــفـــالــنــــا ،  الــشـــىءَ الــذى كــان –  و ســوف يــســتــمـــر – أكــبــر طــُــمــُــوح لـلــبــشـــريــــــــة .”   

We the Children: End-decade review of the follow-up
to the World Summit for Children
Report of the Secretary-General (2001)

       The day is observed as a day of worldwide fraternity إخاء , mutual exchange and understanding التفاهم  between children. The day celebrates childhood الطفولة .  Events and activities focus on language and literacy, health, sport and recreation الترفيه , the arts الفنون and science العلوم , as well as children’s cultural, social and emotional needs إحتياجات .

     The question now is; Have we succeeded in achieving the goals of this celebration all over the world, especially in poor countries and among the oppressed!?


Check us back soon

Peace  ســـلام /Salam/

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About the Author: Fisal

Well, I was born near the city of Rasheed or Rosetta, Egypt. Yes, the city where the Rosetta Stone was discovered. It is a small city on the north of Egypt where the Nile meets the Mediterranean. I am a Teacher of EFL.