Arabic Language Blog

A word search game in Arabic Posted by on Aug 30, 2012

In this post, I present a word search game in Arabic about some Arabic words from foreign origin, e.g. some Arabic words of Persian origin. 1-      خيار 2-      بارجة 3-      سرداب 4-      تمباك 5-      زنزانة 6-      خردة 7-      طابور 8-      بسبوسة 9-      كشكول 10-   مزركش     1-      خيار (khiar) = cucumber 2-      بارجة  (barijah) =…

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Fisal’s Dictionary: “to pull” Posted by on Aug 29, 2012

      Today, we are going to go on a journey to the depths of the Arabic Dictionary in order to discover some of its secrets. We will look up the root verb شــَـــدَّ  and explore some of its derivatives. * شـَــدَّ    [V. I.T.]: 1- (something) = to become strong and firm.                              Ex. –…

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Listening comprehension exercise, answers and transcription Posted by on Aug 28, 2012

In the previous post, I presneted a listening comprehension exercise. In this post, I present the answsers of the questions and the transcription of the news item. Questions and Answers: 1-      What is the purpose of the work that Israeli engineers are undertaking? The purpose of the excavation is to complete the discovery of the…

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Listening Comprehension exercise Posted by on Aug 28, 2012

Please watch the video below, and try to answer the questions that follow. To make your task easier, I add the translation of key words below. Questions: 1-      What is the purpose of the excavation that Israeli engineers are undertaking? 2-      How old are some of the weapons discovered? 3-      What is so strange about…

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Um Ali – Dessert recipe Posted by on Aug 27, 2012

I am writing this post now as I eat a very nice dessert from Egypt called Um Ali (ام علی). Um Ali is made up of pastry, nuts, milk and sugar; you can also add cream on top if you like! I prepare it at home, and I follow very easy recipe! There are no…

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Abo-Bakr Al-Razi Posted by on Aug 26, 2012

       Google celebrated today the birthday of the greatest physician all over the human history. Abo-Bakr Muhammad bin Yahya bin Zakariyah Al-Razi أبــُــو بــَــكــْــر مــُــحــَــمــَّــد بــِــن يــَــحــيــى بــِــن زكــريــا الــرَّازى is a Muslim Persian physician طــبــيــب , scientist عـَــالــِـم and philosopher فــيــلــســوف . He was the most prominent figure in Islamic Golden Age الــعــَــصــْــر الإســلامــى…

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Persian words in Egyptian Arabic Posted by on Aug 25, 2012

In the previous post, I presented some words that are of Persian or Farsi origin that are currently used in Arabic. These words are treated like any other Arabic word, and most Arabs use them without even realizing that they are not originally Arabic. In this post, I present some more words that are…

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