Arabic Language Blog

Promoting Arabic and هِجـــــــــري (Hijri) Calendar Posted by on Jun 10, 2012

Let us first start with the signification of the Arabic term هِجـــــــــري (Hijri.) As explained by Aziza in her post “The New Hijri Year“, “The word Hijri is derived from the word Hijra (emigration of Prophet Mohammed from Mecca to Medina.)” Therefore “هِجـــــــــري” is an adjective, and its corresponding noun is “هِجـــــــــرة.” A few days…

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Beautiful Arabic Song: « آمنـتٌ بِاللَّــــــــــہ » («I Believe in God») Posted by on Jun 1, 2012

Properly speaking, what you are about to hear is not a “song.”  It is called in Arabic أُنشُــــــــودة (or نشيـــــــــد, when a bit longer) and can be translated as “hymn” or “religious song” This post’s unshuda is quite beautifully sung. It can be appreciated by Muslims and non-Muslims alike; native Arabic speakers, new Arabic learners, and…

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The Predicate of Inna and Sisters Posted by on May 31, 2012

The Predicate of Inna and Sisters  خــبــر إنَّ و أخـــواتــهــــــا Kana and Sisters are Verbs while Inna and Sisters are Mabni Words or particles ( Horouf حروف ). Both Kana and its Sisters and Inna and its Sisters precede the Nominal Sentence. The Mubtada المبتدأ of the nominal sentence turns to be the noun ( Ism…

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Inna and Sisters (Part 2) Posted by on May 30, 2012

Inna and Sisters إنَّ و أخواتها  (Part 2)        In the previous post, we introduced to Inna and Sisters. We knew that they are particles حــُــروف ; not verbs. They start the Nominal sentence. They change the case of the Mubtada to the accusative or the Nasb Case حالة النصب . The Mubtada changes its name…

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Inna and Sisters (Part 1) Posted by on May 29, 2012

   Inna and Sisters إنَّ و أخــواتــهــــــــا  (Part 1)  We are still dealing with the Arabic grammar, sailing farther and deeper everyday. In some earlier  post, we have summed up all about the Nominal Sentence. In another, we studied the verbs of Kana / Kada and their sisters and the effect they do to the Mubtada…

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Who’s Who on Lebanon’s Arabic TV Channels Posted by on May 27, 2012

The Lebanese TV channels scene is almost as diverse as the Lebanese society itself. But seldom do the programs of these channels reflect the deep cultural and intellectual wealth of the country—Call that the “new reality” of TV channels in Lebanon, or maybe just Lebanon‘s semi-official “Reality TV” channels. Today’s post will explore the reasons…

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Fisal’s Dictionary: “to make” Posted by on May 26, 2012

Fisal’s Dictionary: ” to make  صـنـع “   Today, we are going to go on a journey to the depths of the Arabic Dictionary to discover some of its secrets. We will look up the root verb صـَــنـــَـعَ   and explore some of its derivatives. * صـَــنــَـعَ    [V. T. ] = to make / to manufacture / to…

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