Arabic Language Blog

word search game – seasons and weather – answers Posted by on Mar 31, 2012

In this post, I present the answers and translation of the words in the word search game presented in my previous post. 1-      الربيع 2-      الخريف 3-      الصيف 4-      الشتاء 5-      الزهور 6-      الحر 7-      البرد 8-      المطر 9-      الغيوم 10-   الشمس   1 – spring 2 – autumn 3 – summer 4 – winter…

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Word search – seasons and weather Posted by on Mar 30, 2012

Can you find the 10 words below in the grid? All the words are related to seasons and weather. 1-      الربيع 2-      الخريف 3-      الصيف 4-      الشتاء 5-      الزهور 6-      الحر 7-      البرد 8-      المطر 9-      الغيوم 10-   الشمس

Fisal’s Dictionary; “to work” Posted by on Mar 30, 2012

     Today, we are going to go on a journey to the depths of the Arabic Dictionary to discover some of its secrets. We will look up the root verb عَـمـِـل   and explore some of its derivatives. * عـَـمـِـلَ    [V. T. I.] = to do something or to work.                    Ex. – عَمِلَ محمد الواجب  = Mohammad…

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The Semi-sisters of Kana; Kada and its Sisters (Part 1) Posted by on Mar 29, 2012

      We have already been introduced to the special verb Kana and its sisters كان و أخواتها and we have known that these verbs start the nominative sentence الجملة الاسمية and cause the mubtada المبتدأ (subject) to be their noun (Ism اسم) and the khabar الخبر (predicate) to be their khabar. Only the khabar changes…

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Surprise! The New Funniest Arab-Speaking Comedian is—Korean! Posted by on Mar 28, 2012

My friends, if you were under the impression that you would never have a fighting chance at mastering Arabic, lest it be your Mother tongue, then you may wish to reconsider that thought once you’ve seen this! Please, brace yourself to meet وُنهـــــــــــــــــو تشونـــــــــــــــغ (Wonho Chung), a never-seen-before Korean comedian. Yes, “Korean comedian”, you got that…

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Reading Comprehension Answers Posted by on Mar 26, 2012

Here are  the answers to the previous reading comprehension exercise.  * اقرأ القطعة التالية من مقال صحفي للكاتب / صلاح منتصر ، ثم أجب عن الأسئلة : Read the following passage from an article to the writer Salah Muntasser, then answer the questions:        أنت سيد قرارك … فبكلمة منك تستطيع أن تخرج من هذا…

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Reading Comprehension Exercise Posted by on Mar 26, 2012

اقرأ القطعة التالية من مقال صحفي للكاتب / صلاح منتصر ، ثم أجب عن الأسئلة : Read the passage from an article to the writer Salah Muntasser, then answer the questions:        أنت سيد قرارك … فبكلمة منك تستطيع أن تخرج من هذا السجن اللعين ، الذي أصبحت فيه عبداً للسيجارة ،  و حقلاً خصباً لكل…

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