Arabic Language Blog

Yehia Haqqi (1905 – 1992) Posted by on Dec 10, 2011

       Yehia Haqqi يحيى حقي  was one of the pioneers رُوّاد of the modern Egyptian literature. As well as being an important writer, he was an expert خبير on the Arab culture. He is considered a landmark in the cinema and literature and is compared to Naguib Mahfouz نجيب محفوظ and Yusuf Idris يوسف ادريس…

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Multiplication of the Predicate Posted by on Dec 9, 2011

The nominal sentence الجملة الاسمية  starts with a noun. It consists of two main items; the Mubtada المبتدأ and the Predicate (Al-Khabar الخبر ). The Mubtada is the noun that we speak about or judge and can be any grammatical item that acts as a noun; ( The Khabar is what we say about the…

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Reading Comprehension Answers Posted by on Nov 30, 2011

    Here is the answer key to the past reading comprehension exercise     أ ) أجب عن الأسئلة التالية :     Answer the following questions            1- ما هو طريق الحياة المستقيمة ؟          What is the way to straightforward life ?                    – التعاون هو طريق الحياة المستقيمة           2- لماذا يعتبر التعاون من ضروريات الحياة ؟     Why…

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Reading Comprehension Exercise Posted by on Nov 29, 2011

* اقرأ القطعة التالية ثم أجب عن الأسئلة :       Read the following passage and then answer the questions            التعاون طريق الحياة المستقيمة ولا يمكن للإنسان أن يعيش بدون التعاون .التعاون هو مساعدة الناس بعضهم بعضًا في الحاجات وفعل الخيرات , والتعاون من ضروريات الحياة إذ لا يمكن للفرد أن يقوم بكل أعباء هذه الحياة…

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Do you have any doubt !? Posted by on Nov 27, 2011

         Today, I present a love poem by the great Syrian poet; Nizar Qabbani نزار قبانى. Nizar has written a lot of poetry in different topics. He is famous all over the Arab World. His words are very delicate and his style is so simple and passionate. The poem is in Fus’ha and is called;            …

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Fisal’s Dictionary: طبع Posted by on Nov 25, 2011

        Today, we are going to go on a journey to the depths of the Arabic Dictionary to discover some of its secrets. We will look up the root verb طبع   and explore some of its derivatives. * طـَبـَعَ    [V. T.] = to print or copy something .                             Ex. – طـَـبَـعَ محمدٌ الكتابَ  =…

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The Nominal Sentence: The Predicate (Al-Khabar) Posted by on Nov 24, 2011

The Predicate الخبر of the nominal sentence refers to the part that completes the meaning of the Subject. It tells us about the subject or gives us information about it.  Now what are the types of the Predicate (Khabar) ?    Types of the Khabar أنواع الخبر    The Khabar can be any of the following…

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