Marhaba! Have you tried one of the tastiest appetizers of the all-time? Potatoes in cilantro and garlic are practically served at every restaurant in Lebanon and other states in the Levant. My wife and I were very happy that most Arabic restaurants in the United States offer this one-of-a-kind appetizer. Today, I am sharing the recipe that my wife and I have from our mothers in Lebanon. As always, I have added it in Arabic and then translated to English. This is very easy to prepare and you find the ingredients anywhere. Try to prepare it soon and share your results under this post or via Facebook and/or Twitter. I look forward to hearing about your culinary experiences.
Potatoes in Cilantro and Garlic
5 large potatoes
8 garlic cloves
1 bunch cilantro
1 lemon
4 tablespoons of olive oil
Image by Renoir Gaither via Flickr (CC BY 2.0)
Slice potatoes into small cubes.
Fry potato slices in pan or bake them in an oven until they are brown.
Chop cilantro and remove all stems.
Add olive oil to pan and add crushed garlic cloves until they are brown.
Add cilantro, lemon juice, and salt to the mix in the frying pan.
Add fried or baked potatoes to the frying pan.
Cook potatoes for 5 minutes.
Image by Jeremy Keith via Flickr (CC BY 2.0)
البطاطا بالكزبرة والثوم
(5) أقراص بطاطا كبيرة
(8) حصص ثوم
باقة كزبرة
(4) ملاعق زيت الزيتون
طريقة التحضير
قطع البطاطا الى مكعبات صغيرة
اقلي أو اخبز البطاطا حتى تصبح سمراء اللون
افرم الكزبرة وازل كل الجذوع
اضف زيت الزيتون الى المقلاة واضف الثوم المسحوق حتى يصبح اسمر اللون
اضف الكزبرة, عصير الحامض, والملح الى المزيج في المقلاة
اضف البطاطا المقلية أو المخبوزة الى المقلاة
اطبخ لخمسة دقائق
Image by stu_spivack via Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0)
For now take care and stay tuned for upcoming posts!
Happy Learning!
Have a nice day!!
نهاركم سعيد