Prepositions and Circumstants Posted by aziza on Feb 20, 2017 in Arabic Language, Grammar, Vocabulary
In Arabic, prepositions (حروف الجر) comprise a limited set of words that serve to explain relationships between other words, e.g.
من، إلى، في، عن، على، مذ، منذ، رُبَّ، حتى، خلا، حاشا، عدا، اللام، كي، واو، التاء، الكاف، الباء، لعل، متى
There is another set of words called circumstants (الظروف). These words have a similar function to prepositions and sometimes they are confused as prepositions, as they give information about time and place. Circumstants can be divided into two categories, according to whether they refer to time or place:
ظروف المكان
أمام = in front of
وراء = behind
خلف = behind
يمين = right
يسار = left
شمال = north
جنوب = south
شرق = east
غرب = west
وسط = middle
فوق = above
قرب = near
تحت = under
بين = between
عند = at
ظروف الزمان
ساعة = hour
يوم = day
أسبوع = week
شهر = month
سنة = year
صباح = morning
ظهر = noon
مساء = evening
ليل = night
أمس = yesterday
غد = tomorrow
خلال = during
أثناء = during
Grammatically, circumstants are usually accusative (منصوب ), and sometimes they are followed by genitive nouns (الاسم المجرور) just like prepositions.
انتظرتك أمامَ البابِ.
I waited for you in front of the door.
الكتب فوقَ الرفِ.
The books are on the shelf.
تغيبت عن العمل صباحَ اليومِ.
I was absent from work in the morning.
ماذا ستفعل ظهرَ الغدِ؟
What are you doing tomorrow afternoon?
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Rabia Vanker:
Pls give the transliteration of these words as it will facilitate in the signs and sounds of the word.