Arabic Language Blog

Tag Archives: Arabic Language

How Arabic Speakers Address their Family Members Posted by on Sep 25, 2019

When it comes to learning family members in Arabic from Arabic textbooks, you usually find a family tree showing mother, father, sister, etc. But how do Arabs actually address their family members? In English, children often address their father as dad, daddy, papa, pap, etc. In Arabic, you may find children addressing their father as…

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Everyday Arabic Handwriting Posted by on Sep 18, 2019

As an Arabic learner, you are probably accustomed to reading printed Arabic and Arabic handwriting خَط اليَد that is written in a way that is legible مَقروء for learners. Not to be confused with Arabic calligraphy الخَط العربي, which is an art form meant for decorating and sacred scripture. In this post, we’ll be looking…

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Learning Arabic in an Arab Country Posted by on Sep 11, 2019

Have you ever thought of traveling to an Arab country to improve your Arabic or learn the dialect of that country, or both? Many Arabic language students are venturing abroad to the Middle East for a unique immersion experience. By living in an Arabic speaking country, you can study the language at universities or centers…

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Basic Technology Terms in Arabic and How to Write in Arabizi Posted by on Aug 7, 2019

Have you ever thought of switching your phone or computer to Arabic? Try it for a day and see what terms you understand such as “username”, “save”, “delete”, etc. In this post, we’ll be looking at technology vocab in Arabic. Keep in mind, some terms are the same used in English. You’ll also find that…

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What’s at the Stationery Store in Arabic? Posted by on Jul 31, 2019

In this post, we’ll be looking at items you’ll find at any stationery store or bookstore in Arabic. In the Arab world, you can find separate stationery stores usually called “مَكتبة”. This word, as you may already know is also used for “library”. These stores sell stationery items الأدوات المكتبية such as school and office…

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What’s at the Arabic Bakery? Posted by on Jul 24, 2019

You’ve probably tried pita bread خُبْز before but having fresh طازَج baked pita bread from your local bakery مَخبَز مَحلي is something else. Living in Jordan, I had gotten used to walking to the bakery and getting fresh bread, pastries, and sweets at any time. Now, living in the US, buying bread from a regular…

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“Money” in Arabic Posted by on Jul 17, 2019

When visiting an Arab country, it’s good to know “money” related vocabulary. Knowing your numbers is of course crucial, but understanding words like “money”, “change”, “currency”, etc. will come in handy. Also, knowing more Arabic will help you in places where you have to bargain يُساوِم. In this post, we’re going to look at Arabic…

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