Tag Archives: beirut
Join the Struggle with Mashrou‘ Leila and Roman Posted by jesa on Sep 9, 2017

Marhaba! It is no secret to anyone that I love the Arabic band Mashrou‘ Leila. I have already featured some of their songs earlier on this blog, Sing with Mashrou’ Leila Kalaam and Sing with Mashrou’ Leila Lil Watan. Today I am going to present you with a fairly new song that they have released…
Sing with Fairouz: How Many People Were There Posted by jesa on Jan 28, 2017

Marhaba! We are going through patchy roads and uncertain times, and it is hard to come across a hopeful news story from anywhere around the globe. But why waste time on things that we cannot change? Let’s focus on something much more interesting, useful, and fun. Given that I know that all you dear Arabic…
Sing with Mashrou’ Leila: Kalaam Posted by jesa on Oct 23, 2016
Marhaba! For the last few days, I have been listening to Mashrou’ Leila‘s different albums on repeat. I am always amazed by the depth of their lyrics and beautiful compositions. Today, I want to share with you another masterpiece by the great band Mashrou’ Leila! The song is called Kalaam (كلام), which literally translates to…
Sing with Fairouz: Reminds Me of Autumn Posted by jesa on Oct 18, 2016
Marhaba! I know for a fact that all you dear Arabic lovers love Fairouz and her beautiful songs. I can never get enough of her songs and I never ever feel bored listening to her different albums. Today, I want to share with you another beautiful ballad by the great Fairouz! The song is called…
Sing with Fairouz: I Am For My Lover Posted by jesa on Aug 21, 2016
Marhaba! Can you ever get enough of Fairouz? Well, I can’t. I can listen to her songs every day and I never seem to get bored of the same songs. I know many of you Arabic lovers adore her songs, her beautiful voice, and the deep meaning behind most song lyrics. Today, I want to…
Sing with Fairouz: Give Me the Nay Posted by jesa on Jun 21, 2016
Marhaba! We all just adore Fairouz’s beautiful songs. Am I right? Many of you Arabic lovers always reach out to express your desire to learn more of her great songs. Well, you came to the right place! I am sure you know by now that Lady Fairouz is one of my favorite Arab artists. She…
To Beirut With Love Posted by jesa on Mar 16, 2016
Marhaba! If you have been following the news lately and previous posts on Lebanon, you were well aware that the small and beautiful Arab state on the Mediterranean Sea is engulfed in a severe trash crisis. A few days ago, the biggest news corporations around the world, including CNN and BBC, shared gruesome pictures of…