Tag Archives: Listening
Listening Comprehension Answers; The Miracle Child Posted by Fisal on Oct 30, 2016
Ahlan, Arabic lovers! How did you find the last listening exercise about the miracle child? Do you think the little girl ‘Bella’ really deserves that title as the “Marvel” child? OK, in this post, you will have the chance to check your answers. You can listen again to check answers and you can also…
Shapes in Arabic Posted by aziza on Sep 26, 2016
In this post, I present a video that introduces the shapes vocabulary in Arabic. Watch the video, repeat the words and learn them. At the end of the video, there are some questions to test whether you have learnt the words. السلام عليكم اليوم سوف نتعلم الأشكال باللغة العربية هل أنت مستعد؟ هيا نبدأ! Hello…
Listening – Ramadan in Indonesia – answers Posted by aziza on Jun 19, 2015
This post presents the answers to the listening comprehension exercise about Ramadan in Indonesia. The answers of the English questions: 1- How does the report describe the atmospheres at the beginning of Ramadan in Indonesia? The report describes the atmospheres at the beginning of Ramadan in Indonesia as spiritual. 2- What is the largest Islamic country…
Listening – Ramadan in Indonesia Posted by aziza on Jun 18, 2015
Ramadan Kareem! Today is the first day of Ramadan for most of the Muslims around the world. In this post, I present a news report about welcoming Ramadan in Indonesia. Listen to the following report about Ramadan in Indonesia and answer the questions that follow. You can use the additional vocabulary at the end of…
Listening Comprehension Exercise: The Love of the Arabic Language Posted by Fisal on Apr 10, 2014
Listen to Professor Hanada Taha talking about the love of the Arabic language and then answer the questions: اِســتــمـِــع إلـى الــدكــتـــُــورة هــَـــنــَـــادا طــه تــتــحــدَّثْ عــَـــنْ حــُــبِّ الـلــُّــغــَـــةِ الـعــَــربــيـــَّـــة ثــُــم أجـِــبْ عـَــن الأســئــلــة الأســـْـــئــِـــلــة Questions مــا هـــو مــفــتـــاح الــفـــكـــر؟ 1) What is the key to thought? مــا الــذى أوقـــع الــدكــتــــورة هــنـــادا فــى…
Listening Comprehension Answers: Moroccan Complaint Posted by Fisal on Sep 21, 2013
Here are the answers to the Listening Comprehension Exercise: Moroccan Complaint. To view the exercise again, click here. تــُـــوجــَـــد الــمــكــتــبـــة فـى مــَــديــــنـــــــة الــرِبـــَــــاط . 1) The bookshop is in the city of Rabat; The Moroccan capital. تــَـــخــَــصــَّــصــَــتْ الــمـَــكــْـــتــَـــبــَـــة فــى بــَــيــْــــع الــمــُــقــَـــرَّرات و الــدَّفــَـــاتــِــر الــمــَــدرســـيــَّـــــــة . 2) The bookshop is specialized in selling school books and…
Listening Comprehension Exercise: Moroccan Complaint Posted by Fisal on Sep 20, 2013
اِسـتـمـع إلـى الـتـــقــريـــر الـتــالـى ثــم أجـــب عـــن الأســئــلـــــــة Listen to the following news report and then answer the questions: فــى أىّ مـــديــنـــة تــُـــوجــَـــد الــمــكــتــبـــة ؟ 1) In which city does the bookshop exist? فــِـــيـــمَ تــَـــخــَــصــَّــصــَــتْ الــمـَــكــْـــتــَـــبــَـــة ؟ 2) What is the bookshop specialized in? مـِــنْ مــَــاذا تــَــشــْــكــُــو الــعــَــائــِــلات فـى الــمــَــغـــْـــرب ؟ 3) What do…