Tag Archives: MSA
Asking for / giving directions in Levantine Arabic Posted by Hanan Ben Nafa on Jun 28, 2021

We’re still learning about directions الاتجاهات for the second week. The post focuses on the main phrases and adverbs of place that one needs to know to be able to ask for directions as well as how to give them. While the previous post addressed the topic of directions in MSA, the current one will…
Asking for / giving directions in MSA Posted by Hanan Ben Nafa on Jun 21, 2021

Today, we’re going to learn about directions الاتجاهات, how to ask for them as well as how to give them. The post focuses on the main phrases and adverbs of place that one needs to know to be able to talk about and understand directions. As this post addresses the topic of directions in MSA…
Tense and Negative Affixes in Arabic Dialects and MSA Posted by Ibnulyemen اِبْنُ اليَمَن on May 8, 2018

Two obvious differences between Arabic dialects and Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) are the parsing marks and certain affixes. In MSA, the time of the action of the present verb is indicated through the parsing marks. In dialects, it is known through prefixes. Likewise, MSA sentences are negated using separate negative particles. In dialects, the original…
Fisal’s Dictionary: /da.ra.sa/ Posted by Fisal on May 22, 2016
Ahlan, Arabic lovers! Today, we are going to go on a journey to the depths of the Arabic Dictionary in order to discover some of its secrets. We will dig deep into the root verb دَرَسَ /da.ra.sa/ (to Study) and explore some of its derivatives and idiomatic expressions. Get a deep breath and…
Fisal’s Dictionary: /da.ra.ba/ Posted by Fisal on Mar 10, 2016
Ahlan, Arabic lovers! Today, we are going to go on a journey to the depths of the Arabic Dictionary in order to discover some of its secrets. We will dig deep into the root verb ضــَــرَبَ /da.ra.ba/ and explore some of its derivatives and idiomatic expressions. Get a deep breath and let’s dive!…
The Arabic Headache; Dialect! Posted by Fisal on Dec 23, 2015
Ahlan, Arabic lovers! Today, we are going to discuss a very common problem for non-Arabic natives. Yes, it is that dialect headache! Which Arabic variety should foreigners learn; Classical Arabic (CA), Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) (Al-Fus’ha) or Colloquial Arabic with its various dialects (Al-Am’iyah)? Unfortunately, there is no one correct answer. Deciding on one…
Listening Comprehension Answers: Sheep-raising in Sudan Posted by Fisal on Sep 13, 2015
Ahlan, Arabic lovers! Here are the answers to the last listening comprehension exercise about sheep-raising in Sudan. To view the exercise and the questions again, please click here. الإجــابــات Answers اســم الــراعــي هــو “ســعــيــد”. 1) The name of the shepherd is “Sa’eid”. عــدد قــطــيــع الــضــأن الــمــســئــول عــنــه الــراعــي و أخــيــه هــو أكــثــر مــن…