Tag Archives: The Subject
Subjects in Arabic Posted by aziza on Feb 17, 2017

The subject is one grammatical term in English, however in Arabic we have two types of subject. Subject = المبتدأ Subject = الفاعل We explain each term and give examples below: Subject = المبتدأ This is the beginning of the nominal sentence in Arabic. Nominal sentences have two parts: the subject (المبتدأ) and the predicate…
Verbal Sentence: The Subject/Doer (Part 2) Posted by Fisal on Sep 17, 2012
Today we are going to continue our study of the second element in the Verbal Sentence الـجـمـلــة الـفـعـلـيـــة ; the subject. We have already known that the subject or the doer الــفــاعــِــل of an action is a noun (or a pronoun) that is in the Nominative Case حــَــالــَــةُ الــرَّفــْــعِ and is preceded by an…
Verbal Sentence: The Subject/Doer (Part 1) Posted by Fisal on Sep 6, 2012
The Verbal Sentence: The Subject/Doer الــفــاعــِــل (Part 1) We have already started studying Arabic verbs. Check the previous posts for revision: 1) Introduction to Verbs مـُـقــَــدِّمــَــة فـِـى الأفــْــعــَـــال 2) Verb Type نــَــوعُ الــفــِــعــْـــلِ 3) Verb Tense زمــنُ الــفــِــعــلِ ; (1) The Past الــمــَــاضــِــى 4) Verb Tense زمــنُ الــفــِــعــْــلِ ; (2) The Present…
The Nominal Sentence; Wrapping Up Posted by Fisal on Jan 15, 2012
Today, In Sha’a Allah, we will wrap up all what we have learnt about the nominal sentence up till now. The Nominal Sentence consists of two parts; the first is a noun and it is called the subject or the Mubtada المبتدأ . The second part is called the predicate or Al-Khabar الخبر https://blogs.transparent.com/arabic/the-arabic-sentence-nominal-sentence/…
The Fronted Predicate Posted by Fisal on Dec 23, 2011
The Fronted Predicate الخبر الـمـُـقــدَّم As we learned before that the general rule is that the Mubtada’ المبتدأ begins the nominal sentence. However, there are certain cases in which the predicate الخبر comes before the Mubtada’ and begins the nominal sentence. Today, we will be introduced to these cases. * Cases of the Fronted Predicate : 1)…
The Nominal Sentence: The Subject (Al-Mubtada) Posted by Fisal on Nov 20, 2011
As we said before that the first item of the nominal sentence is the Subject or Al-Mubtada المبتدأ which is the noun that we talk about. This noun is always in the Nominative (Marfoo’) Case. Now what are the types of the Subject (Mubtada) ? Types of the Mubtada أنواع المبتدأ The…
The Arabic Sentence : The Nominal Sentence Posted by Fisal on Nov 20, 2011
We said before that there are two main types of Arabic sentences; the Nominal Sentence and the Verbal Sentence. Today we will focus on the first type. The Nominal Sentence الجملة الاسمية /Al-Jomlah Al-Ismiyyah/ is that which starts with a noun اسم /Ism/. This sentence consists of two important items to complete its meaning. These…