The 10 Most Common Arabic Words about Parks (2) Posted by jesa on May 30, 2017 in Arabic Language, Culture, Grammar, Vocabulary
Marhaba! I hope you all learned something new and/or refreshed your memory from the previous post about the 10 most common Arabic words about parks. I hope you all enjoyed solving the crossword puzzle! In this post, I am sharing the answers and some examples of how you can use these words in a sentence. I have also transliterated and translated every example so that you can learn how to read and pronounce every sentence accurately. As I always say, think of these exercises as a repertoire of building blocks and source of vocabulary for your speaking, writing, and reading! Stay tuned for more exciting Arabic exercises.
Park – منتزه and Picnic – نزهة
Example: My friends and I had a picnic in the park last Friday.
Translation: قمنا أنا وأصدقائي بنزهة بالمنتزه نهار الجمعة الماضي.
Transliteration: Qumna ana wa-asdiqa’i bi-nuzha bi-l-muntazah nahar al-jum‘a al-madi.
Slide — زلاقة and Playground – ملعب
Example: The kids were running around the playground and the slide.
Translation: كان الاولاد يركضون حول الملعب والزلاقة.
Transliteration: Kana al-awlad yarqudun hawla al-mal‘ab wa-l-zallaqa.
Flowers – زهور and Sun – شمس
Example: My wife and I walked in the sun and later photographed the flowers.
Translation: مشينا انا وزوجتي بالشمس ولاحقاً أخذنا صور الزهور.
Transliteration: Mashayna ana wa-zawjati bi-l-shams wa-lahiqan akhathna suwar al-zuhur.
Frisbee — طبق طائر
Example: Ahmad brought his new Frisbee to the park.
Translation: أحضر أحمد الطبق الطائر الجديد الى المنتزه.
Transliteration: Ahdara Ahmad al-tabaq al-ta’ir al-jadid ila al-muntazah.
Ball – كرة
Example: We played with a ball in the park.
Translation: لعبنا بالكرة في المنتزه.
Transliteration: La‘ibna bi-l-kura fi al-muntazah.
Food – طعام and Lake – بحيرة
Example: We ate food and sweets next to the lake.
Translation: أكلنا طعام وحلوى قرب البحيرة.
Transliteration: Akalna ta‘am wa-halwa qurb al-buhayra.
For now take care and stay tuned for upcoming posts!
Happy Learning!
Have a nice day!!
نهاركم سعيد

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