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The American University of Beirut Honors American scholar Noam Chomsky and Egyptian star Faten Hamama Among Others – Answers Posted by on Jun 18, 2013 in Arabic Language, Culture

Marhaba! I hope you found the excerpt from the article in the previous post interesting. I am confident you have all worked hard to answer the questions. After presenting you with the answers and the translation of some key words, I have added Faten Hamama’s famous movie ‘Oreedo Hallan’ (أريد حلاً), which was mentioned by the President of the American University of Beirut as one of her most famous movies. I hope you enjoy the movie!


1.     نعوم تشومسكي، اللغوي، والفيلسوف، وعالم الإدراك الذهني والناقد الاجتماعي، من معهد ماساتشوستس للتكنولوجيا؛ واللبناني الأميركي شارل العشي، مدير مختبر الدفع النفاث التابع لوكالة الفضاء الأميركية في معهد كاليفورنيا للتكنولوجيا، وفاتن حمامة، النجمة الأسطورية للسينما المصرية، وراي عيراني، رائد الأعمال العالمي المتميز، وخريج الجامعة، والعضو الفخري في مجلس أمنائها

Noam Chomsly, the linguist, philosopher, intellectual and social critic from MIT; Charles ElAchi the Lebanese American, director of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory at NASA in California; Faten Hamama, the legendary Egyptian movie star; and Ray Irani, the world renowned businessman, and university alumni and an honorary member of its board of trustees.

2.     قد منح هؤلاء المتميزون الدكتوراه الفخرية تقديرا لأعمالهم وإشادة بمنجزاتهم التي سيبقى تأثيرها أمدا طويلا، وبمساهماتهم في تقدم مجالات المعرفة عبر البحث، وجهودهم في إغناء نوعية الحياة في المنطقة وفي العالم

These dignitaries were awarded these honorary doctorates in honor of their work, in tribute for their accomplishments that will last for a long time, their contributions for the progress of knowledge through research, and their efforts to enrich the quality of life in the region and the world.

3.     الجامعة توقفت عن ذلك لسنوات عديدة خلال الحرب بين 1975 و1990 وعاودت هذا التقليد في العام 2003

The university had stopped (awarding honorary degrees) for several years during the war in Lebanon between the years 1975 and 1990 and it resumed that during the year 2003.

4.     أبرز الرئيس مساهماته في علم الألسنيات. ووصف تشومسكي بالمفكر المؤثر والكاتب وبأنه قد يمكن وصفه جدلا بأحد رياديي الفكر في العالم وأهم النشطاء السياسيين في اليسار الأميركي. وقال أيضا أن تشومسكي يؤمن أن على المفكرين واجب كشف الكذب والدفاع عن الحقيقة وقد قام بذلك بشغف وبشجاعة

The president presented his contributions to the science of linguistics and described Chomsky as the influential thinker and writer, and that he can be deemed as one of the forefronts of intellectuals in the world and the most important political activist in the American Left. He also said that Chomsky believes that intellectuals have an obligation to reveal lies and defend the truth and he has done so with passion and bravery.

5.     “فاتن حمامة تستحضر عناوين راسخة في البال. أداؤها الفطري على الشاشة استحوذ على قلوب الجمهور لأكثر من سبعين سنة وهي تبقى سيدة الشاشة العربية“.

“Faten Hamam conjures up titles that are engraved in our minds. Her intuitive performance on the screen stole the hearts of the audience for more than 70 years and she remains the Lady of the Arabic Screen”

6.     It requires courage for a person to follow their deep values, and this is the courage that we wish for and hope that our students and every individual in our society uphold.

Translation of Key words:

شهادة الدكتوراه الفخرية – Honorary Doctorate degree

بمنجزاتهم – their accomplishments

الدراسات العليا – higher education

بالمكرمين – honored

علم الألسنيات – linguistic studies

الأسطورة – legend

اللامعة – shining

أدوار دراماتيكية – dramatic roles

Do you feel that you are on the track to be someday honored for your achievements? Maybe at an impressive institution or in your own society or from your family?

Stay tuned for upcoming posts.

Have a nice day!

نهاركم سعيد

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About the Author: jesa

Salam everyone! Born as an American to two originally Arab parents, I have been raised and have spent most of my life in Beirut, Lebanon. I have lived my good times and my bad times in Beirut. I was but a young child when I had to learn to share my toys and food with others as we hid from bombs and fighting during the Lebanese Civil War. I feel my connection to Arabic as both a language and culture is severing and so it is with you, my readers and fellow Arabic lovers, and through you that I wish to reestablish this connection by creating one for you.