The Noun الاسم : Definite المعرفة & Indefinite النكرة Posted by Fisal on Mar 18, 2011 in Arabic Language, Culture, Grammar, Vocabulary
- Arabic nouns are either definite or indefinite.
The Indefinite Noun الاسم النكرة
It is the noun which refers to a common and non-specific noun;(person, animal, thing …etc.). It can be given to any member under that category of nouns. So, when you say an indefinite noun, you really don’t mean someone or something definite.
– a girl بنت = any girl – girls بنات = any girls
– a boy ولد = any boy – boys أولاد = any boys
– a student طالب = any student – students طلاب = any students
– a man رجل = any man – men رجال = any men
– a tree شجرة = any tree – trees أشجار = any trees
– an apple تفاحة = any apple – apples تفاحات = any apples
– a bird طائر = any bird – birds طيور = any birds
– a street شارع = any street – streets شوارع = any streets
– a job وظيفة = any job – jobs وظائف = any jobs
– a town مدينة = any town – towns مدن = any towns
– a country دولة = any country – countries دول = any towns
Sentences: – I am looking for a job. أنا أبحث عن وظيفة.
– There are lots of jobs in the paper. توجد وظائف كثيرة فى الجريدة
Here, the nouns وظيفة and وظائف are indefinite; not specifying what job or jobs.
The Definite Noun الاسم المعرفة
It is the noun that refers to a specific noun; (person, animal, thing …. etc.). So, when you say that definite noun, you really mean someone or something definite, you have that specific noun in your mind.
– Mohammad محمد – Mona منى – Suzan سوزان – John جون
– the girl البنت – the girls البنات – the boy الولد – the boys الأولاد
– the student الطالب – the man الرجل
– the tree الشجرة – the apple التفاحة
– the bird الطائر – the street الشارع
– the job الوظيفة – the town المدينة
– the country الدولة
Sentence: I don’t like the job I am doing now. لا أحب الوظيفة التي أقوم بها الآن.
Here, I mean a definite job, it is in my mind.
- In English Grammar, a noun can be definite by adding the definite article (the) before it.
- In Arabic Grammar, there are SEVEN types of definite nouns.
Types of Definite Nouns أنواع المعارف
1- The Proper Noun اسم العلم
2- The Definite Noun with (AL ..) ( الاسم المعرف بـ (الـ
3- The Pronoun الضمير
4- The Relative Nouns الأسماء الموصولة
5- The Demonstrative Nouns أسماء الإشارة
6- The Indefinite Noun added before a definite noun from the above. المضاف إلى معرفة
7- The Noun Addressed by (Yaa) ( الاسم المنادى بـ ( يا
Next time, we will continue looking at Definite Nouns in more detail
Check us back soon
Peace سلام /Salam/

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About the Author: Fisal
Well, I was born near the city of Rasheed or Rosetta, Egypt. Yes, the city where the Rosetta Stone was discovered. It is a small city on the north of Egypt where the Nile meets the Mediterranean. I am a Teacher of EFL.
Thank you,
It promises to be a very interesting post. Just to check I got it right, the type number 6 is related to the first name in an “Idafa” or is something else?
@Juan You are very welcome Juan,
Yes, number 6 is exactly the first noun in the Idafa phrase.
Kind of very interesting for a beginner like me n is my pleasure for been part, Alhmdullah.
@Abubakar You are very welcome
Mogamat Fasieg Adams:
What is an ismul thaurf
Jazakallah khair brother. Really found it helpful in my studies. May Allah swt reward you.
@Habiba You are welcome, Habiba.
Thanks it is very useful for the beginners
May Allah bless you
Mhando Bendera:
really helpful with my homework for madrasah MashAllah, may Allah reward you, and bless you and your family
Can you kindly explain in which category a personal name falls, i.e. definite or indefinite noun. Such as my name “Arshad” is a definite or indefinite noun.
Many thanks