Chinese Language Blog

Archive by Author

My Favorite Places in China Posted by on May 25, 2021

For the past 15 months, travel has basically been on hold due to the pandemic. As people start to get vaccinated and countries announce their plans to open up, we can finally look forward to future travel again. I’ve had some of my best travel experiences ever in China, so today I’d like to share…

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Rocking Out in China (Part Three) Posted by on May 13, 2021

For the past few months, we’ve been taking a closer look at rock music in China. You can go back and check out Part One about Cui Jian and the sound known as Northwest Wind, as well as Part Two where we looked at Black Panther, Dreaming, and Tang Dynasty. Today we’ll continue into the…

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Chinese Weather Vocabulary Posted by on Apr 22, 2021

When making small talk, one topic that always comes up is the weather (天气 tiān qì), whether you like it or not. If you can forgive me for that cheesy pun, I’ll teach you some useful Chinese weather vocabulary and phrases in this post. Seasons (季节 jì jié) winter (冬天 dōng tiān) spring (春天 chūn tiān)…

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Libraries in China Posted by on Apr 8, 2021

In case you didn’t know, this week is Library Week in the United States. As such, we’re taking a look at libraries in the different countries represented on the language blogs here. In this post, we’ll learn all about libraries in China, starting with a bit of vocabulary. Chinese Library Vocabulary First of all, let’s…

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Rocking Out in China (Part Two) Posted by on Mar 31, 2021

I hope you’re ready to crank it up and do a little head-banging today, because we’re continuing our series about Rocking Out in China! In case you missed it, go back and read Part One. In it, you’ll learn about the first rock band in China who went by the name Peking All-Stars as well…

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Beijing Kao Ya: A Delectable Duck Posted by on Mar 18, 2021

When one thinks of Beijing, a few things immediately come to mind – the Great Wall (长城 – cháng chéng), the Forbidden City (故宫 – gù gōng), and the city’s most famous dish – Beijing roast duck (北京烤鸭 – běi jīng kǎo yā). There are plenty of excellent Chinese dishes out there, but it’s hard…

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Spring Festival Flashback Posted by on Feb 17, 2021

As we enter another Year of the Ox (牛年 – niú nián), I can’t help but think back on the last one. The last go-around on the Chinese zodiac (生肖 – shēng xiào) was an interesting time for me. It was my first year living in China and I just so happen to have been…

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