Chinese Language Blog

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Swallows Cave (Jianshui, Yunnan) Posted by on Aug 19, 2015

Check out the amazing Swallows Cave (燕子洞 – yàn zi dòng) outside of Jianshui in China. Named after the millions of swallows who flock here every year to breed, this is an incredible sight to behold. Walk into the huge cave to admire the rock formations, which are illuminated in a sea of colorful lights.

5 Years of Blogging in China Posted by on Aug 17, 2015

They say time flies when you’re having fun, and that old adage must be true, because it’s already been five years since I started writing and making videos for the Chinese Language & Culture Blog. Sitting here now, it’s hard to imagine going back to that place and time when I started here. At the…

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Money Talks (in Chinese) Posted by on Aug 13, 2015

Chinese money.

There’s been a lot of talk about China’s currency – the RMB (renminbi) – in the past few days, as the People’s Bank of China allowed it to depreciate by 2% against the dollar. Do a brief search, and you’ll find tons of articles from financial publications all around the world speculating on the reasons…

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Jianshui Confucius Temple Posted by on Aug 12, 2015

Tour the 3rd largest Confucius Temple in China – located in the ancient town of Jianshui – in this short video.

Travel Across China Posted by on Aug 10, 2015

China is a massive country – it’s the most populous nation in the world and the 4th largest by area. As such, planning a trip here can be a bit tricky. There’s so much to see and do in the Middle Kingdom that you could literally spend a lifetime exploring it and still not check…

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South American Countries in Chinese Posted by on Aug 4, 2015

We’re going all around the world teaching geography in Chinese here. We started out with the 50 United States in Chinese, and then learned the names for all of the provinces, territories, and capital cities of Canada. Today we’re headed south to study the Chinese names for South American countries and their capital cities. South America…

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Cheap Eats in Shanghai Posted by on Jul 31, 2015

Just because it’s a big, cosmopolitan city doesn’t mean there aren’t awesome cheap eats in Shanghai. Just to prove it, we put together a little video for you!

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