Chinese Language Blog

Tag Archives: Harbin

2013 Harbin Ice and Snow Festival Posted by on Apr 21, 2013

Temperatures in Harbin tend to stay well below freezing in the winter months, which makes it the perfect site for an international ice and snow festival. Explore the frigid Ice and Snow World, with its intricate ice sculptures, massive neon lit ice castles, and a whole lot of silliness one can only find in China…

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Harbin – China’s Ice City (Part Two) Posted by on Apr 10, 2013

In case you missed out on all the fun during the daytime in Harbin, you can find that video here. This new video takes you on a stroll of Harbin’s famous Central Avenue in the evening, with a stop at the beautiful St. Sophia Russian orthodox church and a cool night market. A hearty meal…

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Harbin – China’s Ice City (Part One) Posted by on Mar 31, 2013

Usually when people take a vacation, they opt for some place tropical. Sunshine, relaxing on the beach, and swimming in the sea are the preferred activities. Earlier this year, we chose instead to take a short trip to one of the coldest places in China – Harbin. The “Ice City” plays host to a massive…

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Harbin Ice and Snow Festival Posted by on Feb 17, 2013

In the nearly four years that I’ve been living in China, there’s only one place that I’ve visited on three separate occasions – Harbin (哈尔滨 – hā ěr bīn), the capital city of northeast China’s Heilongjiang province (黑龙江省 – hēi lóng jiāng shěng). Originally financed by the Russian Empire at the end of the 19th…

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Harbin – China’s Winter Wonderland Posted by on Feb 24, 2012

Harbin (哈尔滨 – Hā ěr bīn) is the capital of Heilongjiang province (黑龙江省 – hēi lóng jiāng shěng), located in the area of China known as Dongbei (东北 – dōng běi), or the Northeast. The city’s name comes from a Manchu word meaning “a place for drying fishing nets.” A city with thousands of years…

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One Year of Videos (Top 10) Posted by on Jul 27, 2011

You know, they say time flies when you’re having fun. Well, the last year has gone by in a flash, and I’ve had tons of fun writing and producing videos for Transparent Chinese in that time. Throughout the past year, the blog has seen videos about many different aspects of life in China: festivals, traveling…

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Harbin Part Two Posted by on Feb 27, 2011

For day two in Harbin, we visited the Tiger Park and the International Snow Sculpture Art Fair. 老虎公园 – lǎo hǔ gōng yuán Tiger Park 我们迷路了 – Wǒ men mí lù le We got lost 虎园欢迎您 – Hǔ yuán huān yíng nín Tiger Park Welcomes You 菜单 – cài dān menu 一些老虎喜欢玩儿,一些喜欢休息 – Yī xiē…

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