Chinese Language Blog

Tag Archives: Jiuzhaigou

Chuanzhusi, Sichuan Province Posted by on Mar 19, 2013

If you plan on visiting the Jiuzhaigou and Huanglong National Parks in Sichuan province, you might want to consider staying in Chuanzhusi for a day. This peaceful and quiet town is full of Tibetan culture, has plenty of cheap guesthouses, beautiful scenery, and it’s not far from the airport, making it a great place to start or…

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Zharu Valley Eco-Tourism Hike (Day Three) Posted by on Feb 3, 2013

For the 3rd and final day of the hike, we headed downhill and visited a local Tibetan village. Inside, we were welcomed with multiple cups of butter tea and plates full of home-cooked food. After a bike ride and a stop at the local temple, we took part in a roast lamb party. With singing…

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Zharu Valley Eco-Tourism Hike Day Two Posted by on Jan 23, 2013

For the second day of the hike, we headed to the sacred peak of the mountain. The views from the top were absolutely stunning, as we were standing at nearly 4,000 meters high. On the way down, we saw a herd of yaks running up the mountain. Another night in a log cabin had us…

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Zharu Valley Eco-Tourism Hike Day One Posted by on Jan 19, 2013

The other day, I wrote an article about our 3-day eco-tourism hike in the Zharu Valley near Jiuzhaigou National Park. I’ve been living in China for almost four years now, and in that time I have traveled to many places and experienced many adventures. This one in particular stands out above the rest, and I…

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Jiuzhaigou National Park Posted by on Jan 11, 2013

Tour China’s most beautiful national park with this video that takes you around Jiuzhaigou in northern Sichuan province. Enjoy the stunning scenery of lakes, mountains, waterfalls, and more at this UNESCO World Heritage Site.   坐车的人特别多 – zuò chē de rén tè bié duō There are so many people taking the bus.   树正沟 –…

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Top 10 of 2012 Posted by on Dec 31, 2012

Tempus fugit (time flies in Latin) – one of the only things I remember from my language classes in high school. That ancient phrase still holds true today. This year has flown by; 2012 is just about finished. Despite all the hype around the Mayan calendar, we’re still here. Having spent a few weeks in…

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Jiuzhaigou (九寨沟) – Tibetan Villages and Culture Posted by on Dec 18, 2012

Located in northern Sichuan province, Jiuzhaigou (literally “Valley of Nine Villages”) is a stunning national park. In addition to the beautiful scenery, there are also nine Tibetan villages both in and just outside of the park. Explore a Tibetan guesthouse and some of the villages in this short video. 九寨沟 – jiǔ zhài gōu Jiuzhaigou…

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