Archive for July, 2018
What Is A Dutch Auction? Posted by Sten on Jul 31, 2018

Back with our series on “Dutch”-terms, we are looking at another economic term, like the “Dutch disease” post last time. Today, we will look at the Dutch Auction – what is it about? Let’s find out. Check out other “Dutch”-terms posts here. Auctioning it the Dutch way We have all seen auctions like the…
The Dutch Heatwave of 2018 Posted by Karoly Molina on Jul 25, 2018

This summer has been quite bizar for the Netherlands. Temperatures have been unusually high surpassing 30 degrees Celcius or about 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Code oranje has been implemented around the country due to the hittegolf and measures are being taken to ensure the safety of everyone. Below is a list of some of these safety measures. But first…
How Do The Dutch Wish an Enjoyable Meal? Posted by Sten on Jul 24, 2018

In English, one might simply wish “enjoy your meal”, in German, we say guten Appetit, and the French made the famous bon appetit. But what do the Dutch say? Do they have their own version of appetit? Let’s find out Eet smakelijk? A very common phrase in Dutch is eet smakelijk (eat tastefully) to wish somebody an enjoyable meal…
Book Review: Hendrik Groen Posted by Karoly Molina on Jul 18, 2018

My latest immersion in Dutch literature was the witty (and slightly heartbreaking) diary of Hendrik Groen. Hendrik Groen, both the name of the protagonist and the pseudonym of the writer takes us through a year of Hendrik living in a retirement home. About the book Het geheime dagboek van Hendrik Groen, 83¼ jaar was first published…
How do you get Dutch Disease? Posted by Sten on Jul 12, 2018

In this series of terms in English that contain “Dutch”, we look at the meaning of words and where the Dutch come in. Today, we look at a particular disease – the Dutch disease – and what the Dutch have to do with it. Let’s go! Check out other “Dutch”-terms posts here. Being sick the…
Dutch Summers are For Grilling Posted by Karoly Molina on Jul 11, 2018

The Netherlands-Belgium area has been experiencing a hittegolf or heatwave bringing temperatures to around 28 degrees Celcius which is about 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Each weekend, grocery stores and slagerijen are sold out (or almost) of all the delicious meats for barbecueën or grilling as well as sides and bread. Because grilling can vary a lot per country, I compiled…
De Rode Duivels – Who Is The Belgian Team? Posted by Sten on Jul 6, 2018

While the Dutch team did not qualify for the World Cup in 2018, but the Belgians did, just like in 2016. And just a few minutes ago, the Rode Duivels (the Red Devils) won from the world-class Brazilians! So what is this team? How can this small team play such good football? Let’s have a look! Belgium-Brazil: 2-1 The Rode…