De Rode Duivels – Who Is The Belgian Team? Posted by Sten on Jul 6, 2018 in News
While the Dutch team did not qualify for the World Cup in 2018, but the Belgians did, just like in 2016. And just a few minutes ago, the Rode Duivels (the Red Devils) won from the world-class Brazilians! So what is this team? How can this small team play such good football? Let’s have a look!
Belgium-Brazil: 2-1
The Rode Duivels play a great wereldkampioenschap (WK) (World Cup) so far. They defeated all rivaling teams in the group rounds, and now defeated Brazilië in the kwartfinale (quarter finals). After a eigen doelpunt (own-goal) by the Brazilians, the Duivels took the lead against strong Brazilians. But with a strong verdediging (defense), the Belgians keep the goal clear, and in a brilliant counter score their second goal. The Brazilians run, shoot, but just do not get through. Until the 75th minute, they keep up this great verdediging. But then, after an amazing pas (pass), the Brazilians made their first doelpunt (goal). A nerve-wrecking last 20 minutes followed, but the Belgians kept up the voorsprong. A thrill of a game!
On dinsdag (tuesday), they will face Frankrijk (France) in the half-finale (semi-finals). I am curious what will happen in that game!
De Rode Duivels
The bijnaam (nick name) De Rode Duivels, or – as Belgium also has French and German as primary languages – Les Diables Rouges or Die Roten Teufel – was given by Pierre Walckiers, manager of the club Leopold FC and hoofdredacteur (editor in chief) of the blad (magazine) La Vie Sportive. He wrote this in a piece a day after the interland (international game) where the Duivels played against the Dutch on April 30, 1906. It was also the first time that the Belgian elftal (football team) played in rood (red).
In that game, the Dutch elftal had a voorsprong (lead) of 2-1, but in the last 15 minutes of the game, the Belgian elftal turned the game around. They made two more goals, and won the game with 3-2. According to Walckiers, they hebben gestreden als rode duivels (had fought like red devils).
And that they are devils, the Belgians showed before in the match against Japan, where they had a 3-2 comeback after having had two goals against them.
And over the years, the Belgians did not get worse. Currently, de Rode Duivels have been undefeated for 24 games. 19 overwinningen (wins) and 5 gelijkspel (ties)! In august 2016, the team got a new coach, Robert Martinez, and a new trainer, the legendary Frenchman Thierry Henry. And look at them! They did it again!
Will de Rode Duivels become the wereldkampioen, for the first time for the country? Are you rooting for the Belgians? Or do you think a team will get in their way? What do you think? Let me know in the comments below!

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