Archive for October, 2018
Changing The Time We Live In Posted by Sten on Oct 29, 2018

A debate is going on in Europe right now that shows the importance of language very nicely. The European Union (EU) is going to abandon Daylight Savings Time. The question now is – what time will become the standard? The zomertijd (summertime) or the wintertijd (wintertime)? Welke tijd? In the segment above, Arjen Lubach in his show Zondag met Lubach…
The Dutch and Classical Music: An Unexpected Relationship Posted by Karoly Molina on Oct 17, 2018

I recently started a new job related to classical music. I am not a musician (not by a longshot), but part of my job is to read about klassieke muziek (classical music) innovation. In this short time, I have learned a few things about the classical music scene in the Netherlands that surprised me. In my radar…
Book Review: Last Call by Harry Mulisch Posted by Karoly Molina on Oct 10, 2018

It is no secret that I am a Harry Mulisch fan! From the moment I discovered his writing with De ontdekking van de hemel (The Discovery of Heaven), I always pick up any book I can find of his. During a walk around a bookstore in Utrecht, I found a new book of Mulisch that I had…