Despite the fact that it is March, it has been a particularly cold, snowy and long winter here in the Netherlands. If you are interested in tracking the weather in the Netherlands, there is a great little site called buienradar that tracks the weather across the Netherlands 24 hours a day.
Here is a handy list of winter weather words that I’ve found myself using a lot lately, while hoping that the sun will come out again soon:
de sneeuw: the snow
besneeuwd : snowy
het ijs : the ice
glad : slippery
de regen : the rain
nat : wet
de wind : the wind
winderig : windy
waaien : to blow (ex. door de wind waaien)
de natte sneeuw : the sleet
de hagel : the hail
koud : cold
ijskoud : freezing, literally ice-cold
vriezen : to freeze
Hi Guys,
Thanks for noticing my de/het error! All is correct now. I think it’s my most common mistake.
De mist: the fog
@GiulioGrasso.NL However could I have forgotten de mist…we’ve had a lot of that too lately. Thanks!