Dutch Language Blog

Archive for 'Culture'

How to Get a Bike in the Netherlands Posted by on Jul 27, 2020

So you’re moving to the Netherlands and you need to get around. Unlike the United States, the essential mode of transport is not a car, but a fiets (bike)! Their love for fietsen (to bike) is one of the most famous cultural distinctions of the Dutch. But how do you get one? Do you buy a nieuwe fiets (new bike)? Tweedehands (second-hand)? Or…

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Binnenhof: Eerste Kamer Posted by on Jul 21, 2020

The Binnenhof (Inner Court) is the center of the Dutch overheid (government). Located in the heart of Den Haag (The Hague), it oozes Dutch geschiedenis (history) and verhalen (stories). In this series, we’ll go building by building and explore what each is all about. Today, let’s check out the Eerste Kamer! For more posts in the Binnenhof series, click…

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Knalplanga! Posted by on Jul 13, 2020

July 4th was a little more than a week ago. Happy late 4th of July, dear Americans! It’s a day with parties, events and fireworks – and during the pandemic mostly the latter. But fireworks lead to injuries each year, even deaths. In the Netherlands, we have such issues too. Not in July, but in…

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The (New) Canon of the Netherlands Posted by on Jul 1, 2020

Earlier this year, I wrote about the Dutch canon. The new version of the canon has been made public and in this post, I will review some of the changes and controversy. De Canon van Nederland As I mentioned in an earlier post, the canon of the Netherlands is the accepted rules or standards for…

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What’s a Dutch Zwembad? Posted by on Jun 22, 2020

Ever since I moved away from the Netherlands, there have been things I’ve missed from my home country. Not only foods, like stroopwafels and good patat, but also places to go and see. This morning, I really felt like going to a zwembad (public pool, also refers to just a “pool”). Unlike in the United States, when the Dutch…

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Corona in Understandable (Dutch) Language Posted by on May 20, 2020

Since the corona crisis began in the Netherlands, the Dutch government has made available so much information, however, this isn’t always done in simple language. This creates a problem for the 2.5 million people in the Netherlands who have low reading, writing and counting skills. Fortunately, the Stichting Lezen en Schrijven is doing something to…

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Binnenhof: De Ridderzaal Posted by on May 11, 2020

The Binnenhof (Inner Court) is the center of the Dutch overheid (government). Located in the heart of Den Haag (The Hague), it oozes Dutch geschiedenis (history) and verhalen (stories). In this series, we’ll go building by building and explore what each is all about. Today, let’s check out the Ridderzaal! For more posts in the Binnenhof series, click here. What…

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