Dutch Language Blog

Archive for 'Culture'

What Is Dutch About Dutch Process Cocoa? Posted by on Feb 18, 2021

Dutch Process Chocolate Dutching Baking

We’ve discussed some “Dutch”-terms here before, such as the Dutch Oven, going Dutch, Dutch Comfort and more. Today, I want to focus on another term like that – Dutch Process Chocolate. I’ve never heard of it, so what is it, actually? And what makes the process Dutch? What is Dutch Process, or Dutched Cocoa? Dutch…

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The Dutch in America – What is a patroon? Posted by on Feb 15, 2021

Patroon Saint Isidore of Seville

Recently, I’ve been indulging in the video game Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag, which tells the story of a young Welshman who arrives in the West Indies in 1712, during the Golden Age of Piracy, looking to make a name and get rich as a pirate. At this point, the English and Spanish reigned the seas…

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Curious Words in Dutch 7: Uitprinten Posted by on Feb 11, 2021

Have you heard people say “to print out” and thought to yourself, that doesn’t sound right? Imagine the strangeness when “print” isn’t even a word native to your language. Welcome to the curiosity of the Dutch word “uitprinten”. Previous posts in this series: Curious Words In Dutch Uitprinten! Or… Printen? A word that is made up of…

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Why Are Carrots Orange? Posted by on Feb 4, 2021

You might have wondered before, perhaps you haven’t. But why are carrots orange? There’s actually a story. And it’s related to Dutch culture. Join me to unravel the myths and truths of our favorite orange root vegetable in today’s post here on the Dutch Language Blog. The Dutch invented the orange wortel – or did they?…

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Dutch Idioms 17 – Hitting It or Hitting Over It? Posted by on Feb 1, 2021

Between all the news and craziness, it’s time to relax with some spreekwoorden (sayings) and uitdrukkingen (expressions). Especially on a Monday! I changed the title of the series to “Dutch Idioms” to give it a bit more flexibility and make it all a bit more… succinct. The title of today’s post is “hit it!” – what’s that…

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Why Did the Dutch Government Suddenly Decide to Leave? Posted by on Jan 18, 2021


Last Friday, the Dutch regering decided that it was time to opstappen (resign). Minister-president (Prime Minister) Mark Rutte offered the ontslag (resignation) of his entire kabinet (cabinet) to the koning (king). The toeslagenaffaire was the big cause of the aftreding (resignation). What happened? And why now? And what does this mean for Nederland? The kindertoeslagenaffaire It’s a long word, but with a heavy load. The kindertoeslagenaffaire (child welfare fraud scandal)…

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How the Dutch Dip Into the New Year under COVID Rules Posted by on Jan 11, 2021

Everybody starts the new year differently. A common way for the Dutch is the nieuwjaarsduik (New Year’s Dip). Dutch maniacs (that’s what I call them) all over the country dip into freezing January water in nothing but their swimwear. And, at least at the largest event, an orange unoxmutsje (Unox hat). With the sausage maker’s sponsorship, the…

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