CRAZY Snow Weather in the Netherlands Posted by Sten on Feb 8, 2021 in Dutch Language, Dutch Vocabulary, News
This weekend, something miraculous happened in the Netherlands. It snowed like it hadn’t in a very long time. Thick layers of snow in some parts of the country allowed sleeën (sleighing), langlaufen (cross-country skiing) or even skiën (skiing)! Here’s a short overview of what happened and related Dutch vocabulary as well as some Dutch news articles with more information.
In the days before this last weekend, the verwachtingen (expectations) were high. A lot of sneeuw (snow) and very cold temperaturen (temperatures) got many people in a spending spree to buy snow boots, sleighs and winter jackets to prepare what was to come.
And come it did. A Gevoelstemperatuur (windchill factor) of -19°C (-2.2°F) due to strong winds made sure the weekend was chilling. Due to both these winds and the snowfall, there was a sneeuwjacht (blizzard) in parts of the country that led to sneeuwduinen (snowdrifts) of up to 1 meter high!
Of course, many people were thrilled. A nice break from the coronagekte (corona craziness) and a traditional way to enjoy the Dutch winter like it hasn’t been possible in many years. Sleeën from small heuvels (hills) with the children, sneeuwballengevechten (snowball fights) with friends and hearty wandelingen (walks) followed by erwtensoep (pea soup) or snert, or perhaps a nice warme chocolademelk (hot chocolate).
On the other hand, such weather can also be incredibly gevaarlijk (dangerous). With sneeuwduinen on the snelweg (highway), drivers had to be extra careful this weekend. Thankfully, traffic should be reduced a lot with the coronavirus, but still. Wees voorzichtig (be careful) out there!
More on the snow
If you want to see more pictures and read more about this crazy weather, here are some news articles:
Volkskrant, Nederland zet zich schrap voor sneeuw en hoogwater: dit zijn de mogelijke maatregelen
NOS, Sneeuwpret ondanks harde wind, teleurstelling in het noorden en zuiden
RTL Nieuws, Sneeuw én wind nemen af, na morgen ‘prachtig winterweer’
AD, Nederland geniet! Sneeuwpret in wondere wereld
Snow Vocabulary
Here’s some vocabulary!
Wat een weer!
een lage temperatuur – a low temperature
het is koud! – it is cold!
de koude wind – cold wind
prachtig winterweer – beautiful winter weather
de zon schijnt – the sun is shining
vriezen – to freeze
sneeuwen – to snow
de windstoot – gust of wind
de windkracht – wind force
de sneeuwjacht – blizzard
Heerlijk, die sneeuw!
genieten – to enjoy
schaatsen – to (ice) skate, skating
de natuurijsbaan – natural ice skating rink
de schaatsliefhebber – skating fan
de sneeuwpop – snowman
de winterpret – winter fun
de sneeuwpret – snow fun
het winterweer – winter weather
sleeën – to sleigh, sleighing
de sneeuwbal – snowball
het sneeuwballengevecht – snowball fight
een sneeuwbal gooien – to throw a snowball
Pas op! Het is glad!
Pas op! – watch out!
de voorzichtigheid – carefulness
Het is glad! – it is slippery/icy!
de gladheid – iciness
gladheid op de weg – icy patches on the road
de winterregeling – winter regulation
het antivriesmiddel – anti-freeze agent
zout strooien – to spread salt
de strooiwagen – “spread cart”, gritter
de sneeuwschuiver – snowplow
Did you have weather like this in your country recently? Let me know in the comments below!

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