Image by SergioDJT found in Flickr.com
We’ve all seen movies and heard of stories about messages in a bottle traveling to faraway lands. Well this week a bottle a Dutch sailor sent on 2012 in Kaap Hoorn made its way to the Australian island Macquarie. It is estimated that the fles traveled more than 18,600 kilometers, making from Zuid-Amerika through Antarctica and finally reaching the eiland. There is an address in the bottle making it possible to trace back the sailors who sent the message two years ago. The sailors hoped the bottle would make it to the Atlantic Coast.
If I were to write a message to a long lost loved one, in Dutch of course, I think my message would be something like this:
Mijn liefde,
Mijn leven zonder jou is niet hetzelfde.
Ik denk over je en wil je bij me.
Hoe lang moet je weg zijn?
Ik hoop dat je deze brief ontvangt want jij moet weten dat ik van je hou!
Kom terug alsjeblieft!
What would your message in a bottle say?
Useful Vocabulary
de brief– the letter
de fles– the bottle
reizen– travel
de liefde– the loved one
houden van– love
haten– hate
ontvangen– receive
terugkomen– come back
het eiland– the island
Kaap Hoorn– Cape Horn