Dutch Language Blog

Dutch Cyclists and Tom Dumoulin Posted by on May 31, 2017

Anyone who has visited the Netherlands knows that the Dutch are the masters of cycling. Regardless of the weather, the Dutch can cycle, hold their umbrella, drink a smoothie and share this on Snapchat all at the same time. During this year’s Giro d’Italia, Tom Dumoulin proved just how good Dutch cyclists are. Tom Dumoulin…

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Music in Dutch: Clouseau Posted by on May 24, 2017

When you are learning a new language, music is a great way to learn new vocabulary and practice pronunciation. You can practice in the shower, while you are stuck in traffic and while you are working out. So who should you listen to? The first recommendation I would like to make is the 90’s pop…

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Spreekwoorden en Uitdrukkingen (Sayings and Expressions) 7 – Wood Posted by on May 22, 2017

A new edition of Spreekwoorden en Uitdrukkingen! There are many different sayings and expressions, and there are plenty concerning hout (wood). Here are two that are used a lot and you will enjoy! Let’s start with the saying. For other sayings and expressions in this series, click here. Van dik hout zaagt men planken From thick wood one…

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Mama, we houden van jou! – Mother’s Day in the Netherlands Posted by on May 15, 2017

Yesterday was a great day for many mothers in the Netherlands – their children gave them presents and thanked them for being such awesome moeders (mothers). You might ask the question “maar waarom alleen op één dag van het jaar?” (but why only on one day of the year?), and that is a legitimate question. Not one to focus…

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5 mei – Bevrijdingsdag: Celebrating Freedom Posted by on May 5, 2017

Yesterday, I wrote about the Dodenherdenking, the Dutch Memorial Day, remembering all Dutch burgers (citizens) and soldaten (soldiers) that have fallen since the Tweede Wereldoorlog (Second World War). Today, that sad and difficult mood made a 180 degrees turn. Because today, it is time to celebrate vrijheid (freedom). A difficult end On 5 mei (May…

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4 mei – Dodenherdenking: Remembering the Dead Posted by on May 4, 2017

We have fought many oorlogen (wars). And wars are so gruwelijk (cruel), because the levens (lives) of so many mensen (people) are destroyed, and many levens are lost. In order to remember how cruel and terrible wars are, many countries have remembrance or memorial days. And many are in May, because it was in May 1945 that the Germans capitulated in the Second World War…

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Book Review: Dear Mr M Posted by on Apr 28, 2017

I had previously recommended the novel Het Diner by Herman Koch and on this post, I would like to recommend Geachte Heer M by the same author. Geachte Heer M is a combination of stories. First, you are introduced to the story of Mr. M whom the narrator is observing and critically judging. Mr. M is a writer whose moment…

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