Dutch Language Blog

Tag Archives: De Wereld Draait Door

The End Of A Dutch TV Era: DWDD Stops Posted by on Apr 3, 2020

De Wereld Draait Door, or short DWDD had its last uitzending (broadcast, episode) last Friday. It was one of the hoekstenen (cornerstones) of Dutch television for 15 years. Here’s a little look at this programma (program), and what made it so popular. What’s in a name? First, let’s just talk about the name for a minute. De Wereld…

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The Dutch and Classical Music: An Unexpected Relationship Posted by on Oct 17, 2018

I recently started a new job related to classical music. I am not a musician (not by a longshot), but part of my job is to read about klassieke muziek (classical music) innovation. In this short time, I have learned a few things about the classical music scene in the Netherlands that surprised me. In my radar…

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Dutch Ingenuity in the U.S. Elections Posted by on Oct 13, 2016

For the last couple of months, the Netherlands has been closely watching the presidential campaigns in the United States. While everyone has their own political opinions about the elections, the presidential election is a tense time for the country. That being said, the campaign trail has also inspired people’s creativity. After the first debate, Sten…

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