Tag Archives: Dutch plurals
More on why some words get a double consonant in the plural form while others don’t Posted by tiffany on Apr 19, 2013
Earlier this week, we tackled the question of why some words get a double consonant in the plural form while others don’t. We talked about Dutch words that have the short vowel sound like bot (bone) and man (man) that need that double consonant in the plural form (botten and mannen) to maintain their short vowel…
Why do some words get a double consonant in the plural form and not others? Posted by tiffany on Apr 15, 2013
So here’s a question we were asked last week by a reader: “Random question. Woman = vrouw; women = vrouwen. Why not vrouwwen (ie man -> mannen, etc)?” Excellent question! Here’s the deal… As in English, vowels in Dutch can have both the long sound (been, maan) and short sound (ben, kat). In Dutch, the…
Answers to Dutch Plurals Posted by Transparent Language on Jun 24, 2009
krant (newspaper). Answer: kranten (newspapers) god (god). Answer: goden (gods) lid (member). Answer: leden (members) blad (leaf). Answer: bladeren (leaves) blad (tray, sheet). Answer: bladen (trays, sheets) bakker (baker). Answer: bakkers (bakers) huisje (little house). Answer: huisjes (little houses) auto (car). Answer: auto’s (cars) roman (novel). Answer: romans (novels) broer (brother). Answer: broers (brothers) historicus (historian)…
Exercise for Plurals Posted by Transparent Language on Jun 21, 2009
I’ll provide the singular form. Your job is to provide the plural form of the word. krant (newspaper) god (god) lid (member) blad (leaf) blad (tray, sheet) bakker (baker) huisje (little house) auto (car) roman (novel) broer (brother) historicus (historian) mogelijkheid (possibility) weg (path, road) kamer (room) tomaat (tomato)
Dutch Plurals Posted by Transparent Language on Jun 18, 2009
A lot of Dutch words in the plural have an -en ending. This is the regular plural ending. Ex: woord (s) = woorden (p). Meaning : word/words There are some Dutch words undergo a change in spelling in the plural: In this example, a double consonant occurs in the plural after a short vowel in…