Tag Archives: Halloween
Dutch Word of the Month October: Vagevuur Posted by Sten on Oct 28, 2019

October, the month of Halloween and spookiness. Of course, there are spooky Dutch words related to this as well. The Word of the Month of October – Vagevuur. Click here for previous Words of the Month What does it mean? Vagevuur means “Purgatory”. According to some Christians, it is the state between dying and going to heaven…
Spreekwoorden en Uitdrukkingen (Sayings and Expressions) 12 – Halloween Special Posted by Sten on Oct 17, 2019

Halloween is coming up! The pumpkin-carving fest is celebrated more and more in the flat country I call my home. So the appropriate spreekwoord (saying) and uitdrukking (expression) can’t be missing. While we don’t have spreekwoorden or uitdrukkingen that are directly about Halloween, we have a few fitting ones. Let’s dive in spreekwoord first! For other sayings and expressions…
Dutch Halloween! Posted by Sten on Nov 1, 2015
Halloween has been widely around in the Netherlands since the 1990s. The celebration has been imported from the United States, and thus has more of a commercial character, instead of a deeply rooted cultural one. Shops specialized in costumes and dressing up love it, since Halloween allegedly fills up the niche between the summer and Christmas. Halloween…
Creepy Buses in the Netherlands Posted by Karoly Molina on Oct 31, 2014
Halloween is the day of spoken and heksen and pompoenen and skeletten. Young and old dress up in een kostuum and walk around their neighborhood asking for snoep. I have great memories of Halloween throughout my life, and it is a day I really enjoy! Although in the Netherlands Halloween isn’t as big as in…