Tag Archives: history
Binnenhof: De Ridderzaal Posted by Sten on May 11, 2020

The Binnenhof (Inner Court) is the center of the Dutch overheid (government). Located in the heart of Den Haag (The Hague), it oozes Dutch geschiedenis (history) and verhalen (stories). In this series, we’ll go building by building and explore what each is all about. Today, let’s check out the Ridderzaal! For more posts in the Binnenhof series, click here. What…
Dutch Money: The Dutch Euro Posted by Sten on Feb 24, 2020

Geld (money). It is the lifeblood of our economieën (economies) and we need it in our dagelijks leven (daily life) for everything from boodschappen (groceries) to treinkaartjes (train tickets) to buying a rijbewijs (driver’s license) once you get tired of all the vertragingen (delays) of the Dutch trains. Last week, we talked about the gulden, the Dutch currency before the country joined the euro. But…
Dutch Money: The Dutch Gulden Posted by Sten on Feb 19, 2020

Geld (money). It is the lifeblood of our economieën (economies) and we need it in our dagelijks leven (daily life) for everything from boodschappen (groceries) to treinkaartjes (train tickets) to buying a rijbewijs (driver’s license) once you get tired of all the vertragingen (delays) of the Dutch trains. But where did Dutch money begin? And what does the US dollar have to do with…
Valentijnsdag: Love The Dutch Way Posted by Sten on Feb 14, 2020

Valentine’s Day – a day for love… Also in the Netherlands. But how did we get here? And how do we celebrate it? Let’s explore! Valentijnsdag in the Netherlands While it’s known that Valentijnsdag (Valentine’s Day) is named after some Sint Valentijn (Saint Valentine), it’s not really clear which one. There are different stories about the man who was…
The Canon of the Netherlands Posted by Karoly Molina on Jan 23, 2020

The Canon of the Netherlands is an important topic.The canon is a selection of the top 50 people, acts or happenings that have shaped this country. In short, the Dutch canon is what makes the Dutch Dutch and how the country and its people have evolved. What is a canon? According to Webster’s dictionary, a…
Dutch Blitz: The Game That’s Not Dutch At All! Posted by Sten on Oct 24, 2019

In another post in our series on “Dutch”-terms, we are looking at another economic term, like the “Dutch disease” post last time. Today, we will look at the Dutch Blitz – what is it about? Let’s find out. Check out other “Dutch”-terms posts here. A not-so-Dutch Card Game Dutch Blitz, as it turns out, is…
Dutch Limburg Celebrates 75 years of Liberation Posted by Karoly Molina on Sep 18, 2019

Belgium and the southern provinces of the Netherlands are celebrating 75 years of Liberation. In Dutch Limburg, there have been events in several towns and cities celebrating on the exact day they were liberated with parades, concerts and more. Geschiedenis On May 10th, 1940, despite staying neutral in the war, the Netherlands was invaded by…