Tag Archives: news
Strong Winds Cause Chaos in the Netherlands Posted by Karoly Molina on Jan 18, 2018

In the Netherlands, we woke up to some of the strongest winds in years. The majority of the country was in code oranje and code rood for wind gusts of up to 143 kph. The hardest hit areas were in the Randstad, Gelderland and the north of the country. The zware storm caused lots of damage or schade in buildings…
De Speld – The Dutch Onion Posted by Sten on Nov 7, 2017

Well-known for its satirical take on reality, The Onion has established itself all as a source of highly unreliable but very funny “news”. It is not the only outlet of its kind, however. There are numerous others, including in the Netherlands. Here, we have De Speld (The Pin). In 2007, just before the kredietcrisis (credit crisis), the satirical…
A Russian Revolution… Designed by a Dutchman! Posted by Sten on Oct 26, 2017

100 years ago, the Oktoberrevolutie (October revolution) of 1917 had just broken out in St. Petersburg, Russia. It was still the hoofdstad (capital) of Russia at the time. Communisten (communists) took the Winterpaleis (Winter Palace) in the city, which led to an important turn of events for the entire country. Nowadays, this Winterpaleis is the world-famous Hermitage. This state museum displays national history and…
What’s a treitervlogger? Posted by Sten on Feb 6, 2017

It became the word of the year in 2016, and was huge news in the Netherlands for a while. A treitervlogger. But what is that? And why was it in the news like that, to even become the word of the year? Let’s find out. Treitervlogger The definition in the Dutch Van Dale of a treitervlogger is: iemand die videoblogs…
Women in the Military – Dutch Dienstplicht Posted by Sten on Aug 8, 2016
In the Dutch system, every boy receives a letter at the age of 17 that tells him that he is enrolled in the military dienstplicht (conscription), though this is not compulsory. Only in case of war, they will be drafted. So the boy does not have to follow actual military training. However, so far only boys…
The EU, de Globalisering, and the Dutch Language Posted by Jakob Gibbons on Jul 19, 2016
The summer is off to a shaky start for the European project. For the 27 remaining member states, it’s not only politics and public life that stands to change, but also language, languages, and the balance between them. In the midst of it all, the Netherlands and the Dutch language have front row seats, right in the…
After the Brexit, maybe a Nexit? Posted by Sten on Jun 27, 2016
The people of the United Kingdom have decided: they want to leave the European Union (EU). This is also referred to as the Brexit, a combination of Britain and exit. But what does this mean for other countries in Europe, what about the Netherlands? Will there be a Nexit? The Brexit Even though many outlets and…