Tag Archives: War
Dutch Movie on Netflix: Black Book Posted by Karoly Molina on Sep 11, 2019

This past weekend at home, we came across a very popular Dutch film called Zwartboek or Black Book. This movie was released in 2006 and tells the story of survival of a Dutch-Jewish singer by the name of Rachel Stein during the last year of the Nazi occupation. Background Zwartboek was written by Paul Verhoeven and Gerard Soeteman…
The Dutch Resistance in World War II – Part 4: De Engelandvaarders Posted by Sten on Jun 7, 2019

In the aftermath of the dodenherdenking and the celebration of the bevrijding of the Netherlands from the German occupation during World War II on May 4 and 5 and the fact that 2019 marks 80 years since the start of World War II in 1939, I am writing a series on how the Dutch got sucked into…
The Dutch Resistance in World War II – Part 3: Het Verzet Posted by Sten on May 23, 2019

In the aftermath of the dodenherdenking and the celebration of the bevrijding of the Netherlands from the German occupation during World War II on May 4 and 5 and the fact that 2019 marks 80 years since the start of World War II in 1939, I am writing a series on how the Dutch got sucked into…
The Dutch Resistance in World War II – Part 2: Rotterdam Posted by Sten on May 4, 2019

In anticipation of the dodenherdenking and the celebration of the bevrijding of the Netherlands from the German occupation during World War II on May 4 and 5 and the fact that 2019 marks 80 years since the start of World War II in 1939, I am writing a series on how the Dutch got sucked into the war…
Dutch Resistance in World War II – Part 1: De Slag bij Mill Posted by Sten on Apr 15, 2019

In anticipation of the dodenherdenking and the celebration of the bevrijding of the Netherlands from the German occupation during World War II on May 4 and 5 and the fact that 2019 marks 80 years since the start of World War II in 1939, I am writing a series on how the Dutch got sucked into the war…
Book Review: The Song and the Truth Posted by Karoly Molina on Jan 17, 2018

My latest Dutch literature read is Het lied en de waarheid or in it’s English title The Song and the Truth by Helga Ruebsamen. Helga grew up in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) with her Dutch mother and her German Jewish father. Her family eventually moved to the Netherlands where she grew up. Het lied en de waarheid…
Remembrance and Liberation Day Posted by Karoly Molina on May 7, 2015
Last Monday and Tuesday, the Netherlands celebrated two very important days. The first was on May 4th and is called Dodenherdenking. It is a day in which all those who died in World War II are remembered. The flags around the Netherlands were at half stance and at 20:00 a minute of silence was observed. Over 200,000…