Archive for April, 2018
The school in English Posted by carol on Apr 29, 2018

Good evening to all! How are you doing today? Spring started last month, which means that, in many countries, spring break was all the rage in April. Spring break, if you are not familiar with that, is a period of recess in schools and universities in which students spend a couple of weeks taking a break during…
Before Wikipedia: The Encyclopaedia Britannica Posted by Gary Locke on Apr 26, 2018

Before there was Google and Wikipedia, the source of all knowledge for English speakers was the vast, multi-volume Encyclopaedia Britannica. Many homes had shelves devoted to it, teachers and scholars depended on it, and its prestigious reputation among such publications has remained unsurpassed for over three centuries, though much of that reputation may have depended…
American Breakfast Food Posted by sasha on Apr 25, 2018

They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It’s the first thing you eat and it powers you through the first half of your day. However, many people find it difficult to find the time to sit down for a proper breakfast before heading to school or work. Some just grab a…
What’s for Breakfast? (ESL Breakfast Vocabulary) Posted by sasha on Apr 22, 2018

They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. So, what’s for breakfast? We look at some common breakfast foods in the US in this short video. It’s great for ESL students and teachers. Just follow along with the video and practice! Ready? Let’s take a look at what people usually eat for…
Two Friends from Cleveland, Ohio Posted by Gary Locke on Apr 18, 2018
It is now hard to imagine that there was a time without superheroes. Popular culture worldwide has lately been saturated with colorful, often caped, muscular women and men with fantastic powers and abilities. From comic books to television to movie screens, these action heroes are everywhere, and the public has made them more popular now…
American Culture – WrestleMania Posted by sasha on Apr 16, 2018

Just as the Super Bowl is to professional football, WrestleMania is to professional wrestling. I’m not talking about the kind of wrestling you watch on the Summer Olympics, though. Before we learn more about the big event, we should probably start by explaining more about this type of wrestling. American Professional Wrestling Professional wrestling (or…
All the While Posted by Gary Locke on Apr 12, 2018

There are words in the English language which are frequently abused, commonly misapplied, and often indiscriminately placed in sentences and phrases. Near the very top of that list is the word while. It is also one of the most typically argued about words among English language stylists. To understand the controversy, you need to know…