Esperanto Language Blog

Archive by Author

Teaching and Research Posted by on Dec 30, 2009

The comprehensive website Edukado provides a huge repository of Esperanto teaching materials. I stress the “teaching” aspect, rather than “learning,” because the site is designed with a practiced Esperanto speaker in mind. If you know the language well enough, and would like to have some documents and lessons to help you teach others, Edukado is…

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Dethroned At Last Posted by on Dec 29, 2009

Have you been looking for Transparent’s Esperanto Blog via a search engine? For a good, long while, this blog used to be the first result if one searched “Esperanto Blog” in Google. However, it seems that the more than capable Ted Alper has eclipsed this particular publication! Congratulations, Mr. Alper. I’m not certain whether or…

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New Decade, New Resolutions! Posted by on Dec 28, 2009

It’s hard to believe that 2009 is winding to a close. La miljaro (millennium, literally “thousand-year”) has seen its first decade, and now we find ourselves in the thick of the 21st Century. We’re at a pretty momentous point in world history, I think, and it calls for some New Year’s Resolutions that are thorough…

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Classic Winter Toy Posted by on Dec 21, 2009

Do you have snow where you live yet? For me, winter began about two weeks ago with the first snowfall, and the snow continues to pile up all across my region of the States. Some people dislike the snow, since ili bezonos sxoveli, but I love all the fun activities that come with it. (And…

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Skrablo! Posted by on Nov 28, 2009

I’m downright awful at the game Scrabble in my native English. I know plenty of words, but I never seem to pick up the right tiles, and I can’t quite calculate what would give me the highest possible score. Even so, I find it a lot of fun to play. And now, you can play…

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Pending High-Powered Word Processor Posted by on Nov 24, 2009

While it’s only in its beta phase, the new tool Lingvohelpilo is shaping up to be a valuable tool for Esperantists. If you remember Esperantilo from many entries ago, consider it a Notepad to Lingvohelpilo‘s OpenOffice. It has a ways to go before it’s perfect, but right now it looks promising. Take a look at…

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Cookbook Vocabulary Posted by on Nov 22, 2009

Thanksgiving is drawing nearer, for all of us Usono residents. Perhaps you’ll be planning to eat many platefuls of food. Or, perhaps you’ll be the one preparing it all, or helping to prepare it! For all of you readers with a culinary bent, this entry has been made to provide you with an Esperanto vocabulary…

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