French Language Blog

A French Geography Lesson Posted by on Jul 6, 2021 in Travel & Geography, Vocabulary

As vacation season arrives – in this very strange (almost, hopefully!) post-Covid world – it seemed like a good to time to trot out some useful vocabulary. So this week it’s time for a French geography lesson.

Photo by Ylanite Koppens from Pexels

A French Geography Lesson

With apologies to anyone who associates geography lessons with school, the common terms below are as useful for geography as a science as they are for geography as a tool for deciding where to spend les vacances1vacation, holidays; remember vacances is always plural in French.

La géographie Geography
L’océan The ocean
La mer The sea2What’s the difference between an ocean and a sea? By most accounts, it’s a question of scale.
La côte3This is a good example of a word where the accent matters (as Bridgette discussed last week). La cote means ratings or odds. The expression avoir la cote means to be trending, be popular. The coast
Le lac The lake
Le fleuve4France has 5 main fleuves: la Seine, la Loire, la Garonne, le Rhône, and le Rhin. The river (one that flows to the ocean/sea)
La rivière The river (one that flows into another river)
Le ruisseau The stream
Les berges The shore (of a lake); the banks (of a river)
Le continent The continent
Le pays The country
L’état The state
L’île The island
Le forêt The forest
La montagne5The major mountain ranges in France include: les Alpes, les Pyrénées, le Massif Central, le Jura, and les Vosges. The mountain
Le désert The desert
La plage The beach

Les vacances 2021

Summer is here and like many around the world, les Français are ready to get out and enjoy life. While August is traditionally la période des grandes vacances6the main vacation period, people are already on the move across France.

And this year, whether its un camping dans les montagnes7a camp site in the mountains or quelques semaines au soleil à la plage8a few weeks of sun at the beachles Français are choosing to spend their vacations closer to home and choosing l’Hexagone for their vacances 2021. Avec la crise sanitaire, 83% des Français envisagent de privilégier la France durant l’été 20219With the current health situation, 83% of French people are planning to prioritize France/French destinations for summer 2021.

La Seine à la nage?!!

According to a recent IFOP survey, while a majority of French view the Seine “comme emblématique de la capitale”10as emblematic of the capital, 70% also have “une mauvaise image de la Seine”11an unfavorable (bad) image of the Seine. For many, la Seine is “polluée, sale, malodorante, et dangereuse”12polluted, dirty, smelly, and dangerous and only 12% “des Français aimeraient s’y baigner”13of French would like to swim in it.

This week I saw an interesting story about the Seine. In an attempt to “sensibiliser [les gens] à la cause environnementale14make people aware of environmentalism, 19-year old adventurer Arthur Germain15who is the son of Anne Hildago, the mayor of Paris, is swimming la Seine “de sa source à son embouchure, soit 775 kilomètres16from its source to its mouth, so 775 km.

Which State/Province Are You From? Expressing Location in French

  • 1
    vacation, holidays; remember vacances is always plural in French.
  • 2
    What’s the difference between an ocean and a sea? By most accounts, it’s a question of scale.
  • 3
    This is a good example of a word where the accent matters (as Bridgette discussed last week). La cote means ratings or odds. The expression avoir la cote means to be trending, be popular.
  • 4
    France has 5 main fleuves: la Seine, la Loire, la Garonne, le Rhône, and le Rhin.
  • 5
    The major mountain ranges in France include: les Alpes, les Pyrénées, le Massif Central, le Jura, and les Vosges.
  • 6
    the main vacation period
  • 7
    a camp site in the mountains
  • 8
    a few weeks of sun at the beach
  • 9
    With the current health situation, 83% of French people are planning to prioritize France/French destinations for summer 2021
  • 10
    as emblematic of the capital
  • 11
    an unfavorable (bad) image of the Seine
  • 12
    polluted, dirty, smelly, and dangerous
  • 13
    of French would like to swim in it
  • 14
    make people aware of environmentalism
  • 15
    who is the son of Anne Hildago, the mayor of Paris
  • 16
    from its source to its mouth, so 775 km
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About the Author: Tim Hildreth

Since my first trip to France at 16, I have been a passionate francophile. I love the language, food, music, art, people, and more that make France and la Francophonie in general such an amazing part of our global community. Having lived in France and studied the language and culture for over 35 years, it is my great pleasure to be able to share a little bit of my deep love with you through this blog.


  1. june radicchi:

    For awhile I lived close to the Marne River. I guess it isn’t considered an important river but it was quite pleasant.

    • Tim Hildreth:

      @june radicchi How lovely, June. The Marne is a very nice river … but en français it is une rivière, and not un fleuve 😉