French Opinions – Covid Confinement Posted by Tim Hildreth on Apr 14, 2020 in Culture, Vocabulary
As many French people head into a fifth week of confinement, only able to leave home for necessities dans le cadre de la lutte contre la propagation du virus Covid-19 (as part of efforts to battle the spread of Covid-19), how are they feeling. For many, the challenging times are taking a toll. Fortunately, the human spirit is strong!
La tension monte …
Being forced to stay home is stressful enough by oneself. When families are forced to occupy the same space for prolonged periods, tensions can rise for even the most loving familles (families). A recent study from the team at IFOP highlights a few of the major causes of this added stress.
Selon l’enquête auprès de 3 000 Français (according to the research study of 3,000 French):
– “Les tâches ménagères sont une source de conflit plus fréquentes en milieu confiné qu’en temps normal” (Household chores are a more frequent source of conflict for those in confinement than in normal times),
– For those with kids at home, l’accompagnement scolaire des enfants est aussi une source majeure de tensions au sein des couples (helping with the kids’ studies is also a major source of stress for couples),
– And in this time of confinement, couples are more likely to argue about la gestion des déplacements hors du domicile, des activités de loisirs faites ensemble, et la nourriture/le menu des repas (managing trips outside the home, group activities/leisure activities to do together, and food/the menu for meals).
Mais la vie continue!
It is so important to remember at this challenging time that life goes on! This video from France 2 features Arnaud – un père de famille (a family father) qui s’est donné un défi pendant le confinement: une photo de famille (ludique) tous les deux jours (challenged himself, and his family, to make a fun picture every two days) – nouvelle maman (new mother) Julie, 20-year old Paul confine chez ses parents (confined at his parent’s house), and a second Julie, this one who has already had and recovered from Covid-19 … tous en quête de sens à ce confinement (all looking for some sense to this confinement).
This past weekend, for many around the world, was Easter … a perfect reminder, indeed, tht life goes on. Many churches remained closed and services of many kinds were improvised and transmitted around the world online. Despite the quarantine – and the on-going repair work – l’Archevêque de Paris a souhaité se recueillir devant la précieuse couronne d’épines sauvée de l’incendie (the Archbishop of Paris wished to gather before the precious crown of thorns saved from the fire.) Originally housed in the Sainte-Chapelle which Louis XI built for the purpose, the crown had been kept at Notre-Dame since the early 1800’s.
A strange yet moving sight to see the procession of priests in their casques de chantier (hardhats).
Photo by Leah Kelley from Pexels

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