Tag Archives: chanson française
French Vocabulary – Tickets in the drawer Posted by Tim Hildreth on Oct 13, 2020

I have been incredibly lucky throughout my life to travel. From my first year abroad to business trips and vacations in over 30 countries, I’ve been fortunate to see the world. But now … like so many … I’m stuck at home! Et pour comble … But to add insult to injury, pour la première…
French Culture – Fake News Posted by Tim Hildreth on Oct 6, 2020

While the term “fake news” might feel new, the concept isn’t. Rumors, hear-say, propaganda, and manipulations are as old as language itself. And in today’s hyper-connected world, these concepts can seem more pressing than ever. What will people say? In today’s hyper-connected information world, a Tweet can ruin your life … even if you didn’t…
French Music – Flowers for the soul Posted by Tim Hildreth on Sep 29, 2020

Vous savez que j’aime la musique (you know that I love music) and I find it to be both a great escape and a great way to practice language skills. But when pop stars go beyond dance beats they can move more than our feet. And in these troubling times we can all use a…
French Music – Saying Goodbye to Summer Posted by Tim Hildreth on Sep 8, 2020

It’s only early September, but here in the northeastern United States, things are already sliding towards fall. It’s time to get back to school, to work, and to say … Au revoir à l’été La Madrague is a charming little chanson française that for years I thought was written for Brigitte Bardot by Serge Gainsbourg ……
French Culture – Catastrophe Posted by Tim Hildreth on Sep 1, 2020

The young suedoise (Swede, f.) Greta Thunberg has, over the last few years, reinvigorated a global conversation about the climate and the future of our planet. This week I discovered an interesting French musical group that puts these same concerns to a party beat to remind us that . . . Ensemble on peut faire…
French Culture – Comfort Food Posted by Tim Hildreth on Jun 30, 2020

While France (and parts of the US, where I live) are starting to open back up, we can all sometimes still use a little escapism to take us away from the challenges that life can present. Especially with all the complex issues facing the world today, I thought this week we’d spend some time on…
French Vocabulary – In the street Posted by Tim Hildreth on Jun 2, 2020

The other day I was out for a walk and practicing my French en même temps (at the same time) by naming all the things I could see. Les arbres, les plantes, le ciel, le soleil, des boîtes aux lettres, et la rue (The trees, the plants, the sky, the sun, mailboxes, and the street). When I got…