Tag Archives: French grammar
Here and Now – More useful French expressions Posted by Tim Hildreth on Feb 12, 2019

Last June I wrote a post with common terms for describing où et quand (where and when) things happen. This week we’ll explore some more useful time and place terms (and enjoy a new song from the French musician/group Yelle). Ici ou ailleurs Français English ici here là there (or here, depending on the context)…
French vocabulary – Making resolutions Posted by Tim Hildreth on Jan 15, 2019

Le nouvel an (New Year’s) is a perfect time for finding those little ways (comme apprendre une nouvelle langue / like learning a new language!) to make our lives better. As is the case in many countries, les Français (the French) use le jour de l’An* (New Year’s day) to declare leurs bonnes intentions (their good…
French language and culture – remembering New Year’s Posted by Tim Hildreth on Jan 1, 2019

Bonne Année 2019! Happy New Year! Le jour de l’an (New Year’s Day)* is a time for looking ahead and for looking back. And looking back over the last year got me thinking about the related vocabulary of memories. Like English, French has multiple words for remembering. For the most part, they mean the same…
French Culture – Candy Commercial Posted by Tim Hildreth on Oct 30, 2018

I was poking around online this week and came across a great video about the first French TV commercial. And since, as John reminded us last week, it’s almost Halloween, I thought it would be fun to look at a cute recent pub (short for (la) publicité / ad or commercial) about les bonbons (candy). La Pub à la télé en…
French Grammar – Relative Pronouns Posted by Tim Hildreth on Oct 9, 2018

Relative pronouns help add clarity to language by identifying the who, what, where, or when. This week we’ll look at the three main pronoms relatifs (relative pronouns) in French: qui, que, and où. Qui When it stands alone or comes at the start of a sentence, qui generally means who? Qui ? / Who? Qui…
Follow the leader Posted by Tim Hildreth on Aug 21, 2018

This is the fourth post in my on-going series of lessons for young people from the depths of the 19th century. The French aren’t the only ones to have had interesting ideas about the roles of les garçons et les filles (boys and girls) or about how les enfants (children/kids) should behave, but these stories give us…
Recommended for vous Posted by Tim Hildreth on Aug 14, 2018

Back at the end of mai (May) / début juin (start of June) I shared a couple of contes (stories, short tales) that I found online. I shared them both because they had some good vocabulary and because I was fascinated by the morality they (attempted) to share. Both tales reflected both a simpler and a more simplistic…