Tag Archives: French music
French Culture – Fireworks Posted by Tim Hildreth on Jul 14, 2020

Happy Bastille Day! Or as they say in France Joyeux quatorze juillet. This year because of Covid-19 the annual celebrations of the birth of the French republic will look a little different, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t celebrate. Un défilé, des bals, et des feux d’artifices A typical quatorze juillet (July 14th) in France…
French Culture – Comfort Food Posted by Tim Hildreth on Jun 30, 2020

While France (and parts of the US, where I live) are starting to open back up, we can all sometimes still use a little escapism to take us away from the challenges that life can present. Especially with all the complex issues facing the world today, I thought this week we’d spend some time on…
French Vocabulary – In the street Posted by Tim Hildreth on Jun 2, 2020

The other day I was out for a walk and practicing my French en même temps (at the same time) by naming all the things I could see. Les arbres, les plantes, le ciel, le soleil, des boîtes aux lettres, et la rue (The trees, the plants, the sky, the sun, mailboxes, and the street). When I got…
French Music – Let’s get out of town Posted by Tim Hildreth on Apr 21, 2020

Let’s take another trip this week. This time, to a charming little corner of province. The French musical group Trois Cafés Gourmands(Three cafés gourmands) celebrates their own little coin de province (corner of the country) in À nos souvenirs (To our memories). Comment puis-je oublier How can I forget Ce coin de paradis? This corner of paradise?…
French Culture – Explore Posted by Tim Hildreth on Apr 7, 2020

Malheureusement (Sadly) the world is still at home. If you are one of the many people still looking at the world from inside the safety of your own home, I hope this week’s blog will being you a little divertissement (diversion) and un peu d’espoir (a little hope). On reste à la maison … If you are staying at…
French Language – Hope Posted by Tim Hildreth on Mar 17, 2020

This week’s song may be a few years old, but with the current evolving health situation in the world right now and the accompanying sense of angoisse (anxiety) gripping many nations, it seemed like a perfect time for a healthy dose of l’espoir. Hope While the song – signé (from, lit. signed) Gaëtan Roussel, the…
French Language – Demonstrative Pronouns bis Posted by Tim Hildreth on Feb 25, 2020

A few weeks ago we reviewed demonstrative pronouns in French. As we discussed, les pronoms démonstratifs generally agree in gender and number with the nouns they replace … with one exception that we’ll look at this week. Le cas exceptionnel de ce Ce (or c’ when it comes before a vowel) is a demonstrative pronoun…