7 German Wedding Milestones Posted by Sten on Feb 2, 2018 in Culture, Language, Traditions
Many people dream of it: Eine Traumhochzeit (a dream wedding). It is a huge Ereignis (event) in anyone’s life, and it is celebrated accordingly! To celebrate the Hochzeit year after year, the Hochzeitstag (wedding anniversary) is given meaning every year! This is known in other parts of the world as well as in Germany. Here are 7 of the most common Hochzeitstage and what they stand for!
1. After 5 years: With or Without children?
With Children: Hölzerne Hochzeit (Fleißhochzeit) (Wooden Wedding (diligence wedding))
The first thing to note: The anniversaries are also called Hochzeit, just like a normal wedding. There is a difference in the Hochzeit whether there are Kinder (children) or not! The Holz (wood) is symbol for how the Partnerschaft (relationship) is already quite stable, but still needs to grow and develop further. It seems that until then, the Partnerschaft is working, though. Knock on – you guessed it – Holz! This is similar to the traditional wooden anniversary in the USA.
If there are multiple Kinder, it is called a Fleißhochzeit – the Eltern (parents) have been busy!
It is customary to give wooden items on this anniversary.
Without Children: Ochsenhochzeit (Gummihochzeit) Ox Wedding (rubber wedding))
Traditionally, at such a Hochzeit, a Kranz (wreath) is hung at the Haustür, with Kondome (condoms) and Luftballons (balloons) that have holes in them.
2. After 12.5 years: Petersilienhochzeit (Parsley Wedding)
After 12.5 years, things can get a little langweilig (boring) and eintönig (monotonous). To keep the Partnerschaft frisch (fresh), grün (green) and würzig (spicy), guests bring Gewürze (spices) and Gemüse (vegetables) to the wedding!
3. After 25 years: Silberhochzeit (Silver Wedding)
As in the United States, the 25th Hochzeitstag is Silber (silver). After 25 years, a lot of Höhen und Tiefen (ups and downs) have been gone through, and this day should be honored with a big day. The Partnerschaft is now versilbert (silvered). Silver items are given on this day, such as Schmuck (jewelry) or Besteck (silverware).
4. After 50 years: Goldene Hochzeit (Golden Wedding)
As in the United States, 50 years after the Ja (yes) was given, the Hochzeit is celebrated in Gold (gold). Gold is beständig (resilient) and can go through a lot of stress – just like the Partnerschaft. On this day, new Ringe (rings) are given to the Partner (partner) and the Liebesversprechen (promise of love) is renewed. Items that have some gold in it, such as Schmuck or Porzellan (porcelain) are given traditionally.
5. After 60 years: Diamanthochzeit (Diamond Wedding)
Again, as in other countries, 60 years demonstrate an Unvergänglichkeit (immortality) of the love, just like the Unvergänglichkeit of a diamond. Because it is so selten (seldom), it is the more wertvoll (valuable).
6. After 65 years: Eiserne Hochzeit (Iron Wedding)
You would expect that after Silber, Gold, and Diamant, something even more valuable should come along. It does, below. But before that, there is the Eiserne Hochzeit. Eisen (iron), because of the eiserne Willen (iron will), a phrase in German that stands for a very strong, disciplined will. And that is what a wedding that stands for 65 years is – an iron will to keep the Partnerschaft alive in any and all Höhen und Tiefen.
7. After 75 years: Kronjuwelenhochzeit (Crown Jewel Wedding)
A long and fulfilled Partnerschaft is celebrated under the prestigious Kronjuwelen (crown jewel) motto.
Of course, there are many more such interesting wedding anniversaries. How is it in your country? How do you celebrate? Did you already reach any of these milestones? Let me know in the comments below!
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Hi Sten
After 70 years it is called “Gnadenhochzeit” (grace), I think this will point out that it is a special grace that a couple lives that long to celebrate this wedding.
The grandparents of my wife nearly made, unfortunatly he passed away half a year before.
For 65, 70, 75 and 80, the couple will also get a letter from the Bundespräsident.
Danke, es war hoch interessant ! 🙂