Archive by Author
Umfahren or Umfahren? One Word With Two Meanings Posted by Larissa on Aug 31, 2021

The German language never fails to interest me as I learn new words and phrases, even after living here for 9 years. When learning how to drive in Germany, I discovered a very interesting German word that has two meanings. There are of course some words in other languages that also have more than one…
4 of Germany’s Favorite Summer Drinks Posted by Larissa on Jul 27, 2021

Now I know what you’re thinking, this post is obviously all about Bier (beer), but I’ve decided to push beer to one side (it is of course still the favorite drink in Germany) and tell you about four other beverages that Germans (including myself) love to drink! Hugo Our first drink is a Hugo…
The History of German Tea Posted by Larissa on Jun 29, 2021

When you think of Germany, the first thing that pops into your head is most certainly not tea, it might be Bier (beer) or Kaffee (coffee) but do Germans actually drink tea too? Well the answer is yes, quite a lot of people here do! Schwarztee (black tea) is the most popular tea in Germany…
German Spring Quiz Posted by Larissa on May 25, 2021

It’s time for another quiz! This quiz is all about my last three Spring posts (Spring plants, herbs and flowers and one of German’s favourite activities: barbeques) which you can find here, here and here. I find quizzes are a great way to learn a new language and also to reflect on new information that…
Grillen: One of Germany’s Favorite Activities Posted by Larissa on Apr 27, 2021

The sun has returned, and I have recently bought a new barbeque, which is what inspired me to write this post. Grillen (meaning “to barbeque” in German) is very popular in Germany and many people have a barbeque in their garden, on their balcony, or even have a small transportable one to take with them…
5 Tips For Your Indoor Plants In German Posted by Larissa on Mar 30, 2021

Following on from my last post, which you can find here, I will be giving you five top tips on how to keep your plants alive and thriving indoors. I love having plants in my home. Not only are they good air filters, but they also brighten up the place. 1. Diese Pflanzen lieben die…
Spring Gardening in German Posted by Larissa on Feb 23, 2021

Spring has sprung and with Germany announcing the re-opening of garden centers soon (we are still in lockdown due to Covid19), I thought it would be the perfect time to write a post on gardening! I personally don’t have a garden but enjoy planting herbs, vegetables and flowers indoors. Here is a post for all…