Archive for 'Food'
4 of Germany’s Favorite Summer Drinks Posted by Larissa on Jul 27, 2021

Now I know what you’re thinking, this post is obviously all about Bier (beer), but I’ve decided to push beer to one side (it is of course still the favorite drink in Germany) and tell you about four other beverages that Germans (including myself) love to drink! Hugo Our first drink is a Hugo…
Grillen: One of Germany’s Favorite Activities Posted by Larissa on Apr 27, 2021

The sun has returned, and I have recently bought a new barbeque, which is what inspired me to write this post. Grillen (meaning “to barbeque” in German) is very popular in Germany and many people have a barbeque in their garden, on their balcony, or even have a small transportable one to take with them…
Recipes For Three Festive German Hot Drinks Posted by Larissa on Dec 29, 2020

As promised in my last post (which you can find here), I will be sharing with you how to make these delicious winter warmers. You can often buy these ready made in the supermarket, but I find it tastes even better using real spices. I have added a vocabulary list at the end of the…
Three Festive German Hot Drinks Posted by Larissa on Nov 30, 2020

Next week is already December and as the months get colder I crave for some festive drinks! Here are three festive hot drinks that you will typically find in German Christmas markets or at home during the festive period. Glühwein – Mulled Wine The most well-known drink for the hot months is Glühwein. This is…
What Cake Can Teach Us About Germany (Part 2!) Posted by Constanze on Aug 12, 2020

Guten Tag! This is the second in a two-part series on one of my favourite subjects: Cake (der Kuchen in German)- specifically, German cakes with interesting, often place-specific, names. We will look at why those cakes are named the way they are, and learn a little language, culture and history in the process. So, as…
What Cake Can Teach Us About Germany Posted by Constanze on Aug 5, 2020

Guten Tag! This is the first in a two-part series on one of my favourite subjects: Cake (der Kuchen in German)- specifically, German cakes with interesting, often place-specific, names. We will look at why those cakes are named the way they are, and learn a little language, culture and history in the process. So, as…
A Delicious German Tradition: Kaffee und Kuchen! Posted by Sten on Jun 12, 2020

It’s time for Kaffee und Kuchen! Every Sunday, usually, Germans come together for Kaffee (coffee) and Kuchen (cake). What does this tradition look like, how do you do it right? And where does it come from? Let’s have a entspannten (relaxing) look! Noch ein Stück? It’s Sonntag (Sunday), and you’re invited by your friend to come to their home for Kaffee und Kuchen in…