Cooking Vocabulary in German Posted by Larissa on Jan 18, 2022 in Food, Vocabulary
I personally love to cook at home and try out new recipes. I have made a vocabulary list all about cooking to help you understand German recipes. If you are in need of some recipes, check out these older posts here, here and here.
The basics
das Rezept the recipe
die Zutaten the ingredients
die Zubereitung the preparation
die Zubereitungszeit the preparation time
die Backzeit the baking time
die Kochzeit the cooking time
die Portionen the portions
das Niveau the level
einfach easy
schwer hard
Types of Cooking
kochen to boil
backen to bake
dämpfen to steam
braten to fry
grillen to grill
erhitzen to heat
pochieren to poach
köcheln to simmer
gratinieren to brown
anschwitzen to sauté
schneiden to cut
waschen to wash
rühren to stir
unterrühren to stir in
mischen to mix
reiben to grate
vorheizen to preheat
schälen to peel
abschrecken to rinse with cold water
giessen to pour
bestreuen to sprinkle
kneten to knead
wiegen to weigh
abschmecken to taste/to season
servieren to serve
das Schneidebrett the cutting board
das Messer the knife
die Schüssel the bowl
die Rührschüssel the mixing bowl
der Schneebesen the whisk
der Messbecher the measuring cup
der Herd the stove
der Ofen the oven
die Pfanne the pan
die Bratpfanne the frying pan
der Topf the pot
die Backform the baking tin
die Auflaufform the casserole dish
das Handrührgerät the hand mixer
der Stabmixer the hand immersion blender
TL = Teelöffel teaspoon
EL = Esslöffel tablespoon
n.B = nach Belieben at will
Bd. = Bund a bunch
Helpful Words and Phrases
eine Prise a pinch
in Würfel schneiden to cut into cubes
in dünne Scheiben schneiden to cut into thin slices
schaumig schlagen to whip until fluffy
der Teig the dough
zu entkernen to deseed
halbieren to halve
vierteln to quarter
Ober- und Unterhitze upper and lower heat (oven setting)
Umluft fan (oven setting)
I hope this vocabulary list can help you to create many successful dishes! Let me know in the comments box below if you like cooking too and if you use any German recipes. I find integrating a new language into day to day activities can really help learn the language.
Thanks for reading,

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My two favourite German cooking expressions are “bis Zwiebeln glasig sind” to set the stage at which to add meat to frying onions and “versprudeln” for mixing together. I’m not sure it would be possible to “fizz up” milk and eggs.