German Vocabulary for Politics Posted by Larissa on May 28, 2019 in Language
Last week Europe took part in the Europa Wahl (european elections). The elections are every five years and this year an important topic for the voters was deciding which party will do the most against Klimawandel (climate change). Here’s a vocabulary list to help you with all the political words in German!
die Wahl election (can also mean “choice”)
Europa Europe
der Klimawandel climate change
wählen to vote
das Wahllokal the polling station
der Wahlhelfer the election helper
die Partei the party
konservativ conservative
links left
rechts right
liberal liberal
demokratisch democratic
das Referendum the referendum/poll/vote
das Ergebnis the result
die Wiederwahl the re-election
der Wahlsieger the election winner
der Wahlverlierer the election loser
der Premierminister the prime minister
die Politik politics
der Politiker the politician
Anonym anonymous
Die Parteien in Deutschland
The Parties in Germany
Here in Germany there was a 26 year old Youtuber who posted a 55 minute video explaining why you should not vote for the CDU/CSU. This was because of their lack of engagement against climate change and use of coal instead of renewable energy. The CDU/CSU votes dropped massively – however they are still in the lead. The Youtuber has gotten over 12 million views in his one video that he posted a week ago. Incase you want to search it yourself, his name is “Rezo”. He speaks German very quickly so it is also a challenge to keep up! His one hour video is backed up with a lot of Quellen (sources) and evidence to what he is saying.
I hope you found this post helpful to learn some keywords for a political conversation in German!
Thanks for reading,

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Charles W. Pfeiffer:
Hello Larissa,
Thank you for today’s column. I think a couple things might improve the presentation. 1. when listing vocabulary always include the article with a noun. For example, today you listed, Wahl. It would have been better to list it as die Wahl. With the other nouns you did include the article, except for Klimawandel. The article is essential.
Also, keep the distinction between nouns and adjectives with proper capitalization. To make a list of nouns and adjectives all capitalized is not helpful at all.
Keep up the good work.
Charlie Pfeiffer
@Charles W. Pfeiffer Hi Charles,
Thanks for your comment! An update has been made.