German Vocabulary For The Workplace Posted by Larissa on Mar 29, 2022 in Language, Vocabulary
Different scenarios are always a useful way to learn new German vocabulary. Here is a post to help you with simple vocabulary that you can use in the workplace.
The Basics
die Arbeit the work
das Büro the office
der Beruf the profession
der Lebenslauf the curriculum vitae (have a look at this post here if you want to know more specifically about a German CV)
der Arbeitgeber/die Arbeitgeberin the employer (masculine/feminine)
der Arbeitnehmer/die Arbeitnehmerin the employee (masculine/feminine)
der Chef/die Chefin the boss (masculine/feminine)
die Probestunde the trial hour
die Pause the break
die Vollzeitstelle the full time position
die Teilzeitstelle the part time position
der Arbeitsplatz the workplace
die Gleitzeit flexible working hours (for example: Gleitzeit zwischen 9 – 10 Uhr, meaning you can start work between 9 and 10am)
Home-Office working from home (a bit of Denglish for you!)
die Abmahnung the warning
das Aufgabengebiet the area of responsibility
das Arbeitsamt the job centre
arbeitslos unemployed
das Praktikum the internship
die Bewerbung the application
das Bewerbungsgespräch the interview
der Urlaub the holiday
der Urlaubsanspruch the holiday entitlement
die Überstunden the overtime
angestellt employed
selbstständig self employed
Starting a New Job
das Eintrittsdatum the starting date
der Arbeitsvertrag the work contract
einen befristeten Vertrag a fixed term contract
einen unbefristeten Vertrag an unlimited contract
der Gehalt the salary
die Probezeit the probation period (which is usually six months in Germany)
die Einarbeitung the training/the onboarding
Ending a Job
die Kündigung the notice of termination
die Kündigungsfrist the notice period (usually either 1 or 3 months in Germany)
das Arbeitszeugnis the reference
das Abschiedsgeschenk the leaving present
die Abschiedsfeier the leaving party
On that note, I also wanted to say that this will be my last post at Transparent Language. I have been writing here for years and I have really enjoyed writing these posts and I hope that you could also learn something from them, here is a link to all the posts I have written over the years.
If you would like to keep in touch with what I am getting up to in Germany, feel free to follow me on my instagram here or my travel blog that you can find here. Thank you for reading my posts, taking part in my quizzes and also commenting with your thoughts and questions. I wish you all the best in your journey with learning German.
Vielen Dank
Auf Wiedersehen,

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Kevin Morrison:
Alles Gute, und vielen Dank!
@Kevin Morrison Danke. Alles Gute.