Sport in German Posted by Larissa on Nov 23, 2015 in Language, Sports
As a fitness trainer, I teach my classes in German. I once taught a class in English as a woman requested it (she was going to England for holiday and wanted to brush up on her English). As I taught it I realised how hard it was to translate the class back into English, even though English is my mother tongue! I found myself spurting out German words in my English sentences, just because I had learnt how to teach classes in German. Here is a post in case you ever find yourself in a German fitness class and have no clue what they’re saying. 🙂
die Körperteile:
The body parts:
der (die) Arm(e) The arm(s)
das (die) Bein(e) The leg(s)
der Kopf The head
der Nacken The nape (back of the neck)
die Ha(ä)nd(e) The hand(s)
der (die) Oberschenkel The thigh(s)
das (die) Knie The knee(s)
die Wirbelsäule The spine
der Bauch The stomach
der Po The bum
der Körper The body
der Rücken The back
Vocabulary that you will often hear in any fitness class:
anspannen tense
entspannen relax
locker lassen relax (literal translation: let loose)
nach rechts to the right
nach links to the left
nach unten downwards
nach oben upwards
ein atmen breathe in
aus atmen breathe out
beugen to bend
strecken to stretch
hoch high
tief low
halten hold
A few positions translated into German:
Ellenbogenstand the plank
Vierfüßlerstand on all fours
Seitenlage side position
Rückenlage on your back (lying down)
Bauchlage on your stomach (lying down)
Stehen standing
Here is a clip of a German fitness workout that I found on YouTube; it’s a great way to get fit and practice your German at the same time! See if you hear any words that I’ve written in the list above, if there’s anything she says that you don’t understand you can write it in the comments below.
Viel Spaß!
Have fun!

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About the Author: Larissa
Hello I'm Larissa. I live in Germany and I am half German and half English. I love sharing my passion for Germany with you through my posts! Apart from writing posts I teach fitness classes in Munich.
Hello Larissa,
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